Out and About for July 15th, 2008

One of the advantages of living in Three Rivers is the number of public parks that are available for all to enjoy. They range in size from a small park, with maybe a bench to sit on, to a large park like Scidmore, complete with a playground, picnic areas, popcorn stand, and even a petting zoo. On any given evening, you can see families walking and playing together. Sometimes, you can see the family dog on a leash. It’s almost like a Norman Rockwell painting. Riverside Cemetery is an interesting place to go for a stroll. It’s interesting to look at some of the dates on the tombstones. When visiting the cemetery, please remember that dogs, even on a leash, are NOT permitted. Fido would much prefer to visit one of the other beautiful parks where dogs are always welcome.

While on the subject of Riverside Cemetery, the Club of Little Gardens deserves all the credit for the flowers at the entrance to the cemetery. President Diane Reece and her crew planted the flowers and maintain them on a regular basis. Kudos to all of you ladies.

Finally, during your next visit to Riverside, you’ll notice the water faucets with the red handles. These faucets are in working order. The cemetery maintenance crew is in the process of fixing other faucets and installing red handles when they are usable. Thanks to Ray and his crew for making Riverside Cemetery another pleasant place to visit.

I’m sure you’ve all heard of old laws that are still on the books, but are not really enforced because they’re just not realistic. Here are four:
1. In North Carolina, it is against the law for dogs and cats to fight.
2. In Michigan, married couples must live together or be imprisoned.
3. In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum.
4. In Cleveland, Ohio, it is unlawful to leave chewing gum in public places.

This Thursday, July 17, the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra will perform their annual Concert in the Park. The park comes alive with the sound of music starting at 8 P.M. This year the Kalamazoo Barbershop Chorus will be the guests of the KSO. I can’t think of a better way to spend a summer evening than relaxing in a lawn chair, on the hill behind the old hospital, and listen and watch Maestro Raymond Harvey and the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra. In case of rain, the venue will move to the Three Rivers High School Performing Arts Center.

The Summer Full of Art, at the Carnegie Center, is preparing to start Session II. I mentioned this activity several weeks ago, and it sounds like a fun thing to do for just about anyone. If you’re interested in Session II, you must register by July 21. For more information or to register, you may visit the Carnegie Tuesday through Friday from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. and Saturday from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. You may also register by phone by calling 273-8882.

See you at Scidmore Park Thursday evening. Until then, remember: If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

See you Out and About.

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