Out and About for July 1st, 2008

Welcome to July. This month we are fortunate to have the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra coming to Three Rivers for their annual concert in the park. The date to remember is July 17. I’ll have more information on this special event in a week or so.

Many of you still drawing a paycheck will probably have this coming Friday off. As a result, you’ll end up with a three-day weekend. It, of course, is in celebration of Independence Day, better known as the Fourth of July. It is another one of those days when we congregate with family and friends, gather around the outdoor grill and forget about that diet as we fix ourselves just one more hot dog or brat. As for me, I plan to take in as many parades as possible. No matter what your plans are for this special day and extended weekend, let’s not forget the true meaning of the Fourth of July. Constantine is probably the closest town with a parade, and it steps off at 11 A.M. on the Fourth.

There’s nothing like the taste of homegrown vegetables. If you have the space and the energy, you can plant, grow and harvest your own garden. If you’re like me, you might consider visiting the Three Rivers Farmers’ Market. Every Saturday morning you have the opportunity to venture down to Scidmore Park, by way of the entrance across the street from LA’s Coffee Cafe. There you’ll find the Farmers’ Market. I’m not exactly sure of their hours, but I believe they are open until noon. The season for asparagus is pretty much over, but fresh corn and other vegetables are available in abundance. The prices are reasonable, and you’ll be helping the local farmers.

The Fontana Summer Festival of Music and Art is alive and well in Three Rivers. The first concert was last Saturday. If you missed it, you still have two more chances to take in the culture that the Fontana series has to offer. Saturday, July 12, the Pacifica Quartet returns to the Carnegie Center for the Arts to play three Beethoven string quartets. The Pacifica Quartet is one of the favorites of the Carnegie. They played here two years ago. The concert on July 12 will begin at 7:30 P.M. The following Saturday, July 19, also beginning at 7:30 P.M., Early Music Michigan will delight the audience with the liveliness of music from Clerambault, Dowland, Monteclair, and Bach. The art exhibits will be on display through August 31. You may reserve your Fontana concert tickets now by calling the Carnegie Center for the Arts at 273-8882. Ticket prices for adults are $15, students $5, and, if you’re a Carnegie member, you pay half price.

Also at the Carnegie this summer, you’ll find two art sessions available for people starting at the age of three and continuing well into the golden years. Session I runs from July 14 through July 24. Session II runs July 28 through August 7. The four classes are for children ages three to five, six to eight, nine to eleven, and anyone age eleven and up. I’ll have more information next week. If you’re interested in Session I, you must register by July 7, so it would be a very good idea to stop by the Carnegie and register. They will be happy to explain the various classes and help you become part of the 2008 Summer Full of Art. All classes meet Monday through Thursday. Once again, the number for the Carnegie Center for the Arts is 273-8882.

Have a wonderful Fourth of July. Please remember that he who comes forth with a fifth on the fourth may not come forth on the fifth.

See you Out and About.

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