Out and About for July 22nd, 2008

As I write about what’s going on in the Three Rivers area, I hope you readers realize just how many activities and events are FREE. In this age of high gas prices, you really have to look hard for anything that’s really a bargain, let alone free. Every summer the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra puts on a concert in Scidmore Park. Attendance is usually pretty good, but there are still tables that sit empty. Various companies, merchants and civic organizations sponsor these tables. Each table has either a fruit platter or cheese platter to be shared by those wishing to sit there. There is also cold bottled water available, and yes, it’s all FREE. Perhaps you might think that all you’re going to hear is classical music and it’s not worth the trip to the park. You couldn’t be more wrong. Last Thursday’s concert included music from HAIR and HAIRSPRAY, plus many other old favorites. The Kalamazoo Barbershop Chorus was a special attraction, and they entertained the audience with some oldies but goodies. There were several standing ovations during the evening’s concert, but probably the most deserved was the one for Lee Hohner. Lee has arranged for this annual event for the last 17 years and, speaking for the Three Rivers community, I’d like to say “Thank you, Lee. We appreciate your dedication and generosity and, above all, your friendship.”

The Three Rivers Fire Department provides the venue many times during the summer season for groups wishing to conduct car washes near Memory Isle. There will be another wash, of sorts, this Saturday, July 26. You won’t be able to have your car washed, but you will be able to have your dog bathed. The Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) will provide an opportunity to have your Fido shampooed. Not only that, but her/his ears will be cleaned and those nails can be trimmed by professional groomers. The price is your generous donation. Oh yes, hot dogs and pop will be available for those having their pooches washed. The dog wash starts at 10A.M. and runs until 3 P.M. What a perfect opportunity to turn your mutt into a real show dog.

The Riviera Theater comes alive once again on Monday evening, August 4, at 8 P.M. The United Nations Comedy Tour will perform for those 18 and older. Five comedians, including Amaru, Ruben, Davin, Helen Maalik, and Mike Siscoe will tickle your funny bone. These comedians have been seen on Comedy Central, HBO, CBS and ABC. Ticket purchase may be arranged by phoning (269)506-0181.

You don’t need to be a farmer to appreciate the 48th Annual St. Joe Valley Old Engine Association show the weekend of August 1, 2 and 3. Boot Hill Ranch is where the action takes place. In case you’ve forgotten, Boot Hill Ranch is located one and one-half miles east of Jones, Michigan on Bair Lake Street. I would need a whole column to describe all of the activities, but some of the ones you won’t want to miss include the various craft displays, farm machinery, steam engines, gas engines, thresher and, of course, the flea markets. On Thursday, July 31, the third annual tractor tour will leave the showgrounds for a 65-70 mile trip. Anyone interested in participating in the tractor tour should contact Duane Hollister at (269)683-9537. For more information, you may contact Duane at the number just listed, or Daisy Wagner at (269)435-7241. Oh yes, I can’t forget to tell you about the musical entertainment. Lisa and Mark Woolever will entertain Saturday afternoon and Deadwood will provide Bluegrass selections Friday and Saturday during the evening. There’s more going on here in town other than watching the traffic lights change color.

See you Out and About!

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