Out and About for September 9th, 2008

Gray’s Community Band is known throughout the area for providing free performances several times during the year. The band is made up of individuals who perform just for the love of music and the enjoyment they receive by playing instruments that they have owned most of their lives. There is no age limit, and the only prerequisite is that you must be willing to practice with the group sometime before each performance. The only pay received is the applause given by the audience. Band director Andrew Hagenbuch is seeking new members. Rehearsals will begin this evening, September 9, at 7 at the First Church of God, 17398 M-86, just off South Main, in Three Rivers. If you are currently in a high school band program or just have a musical instrument sitting around gathering dust, you’re invited to check them out. For more information, please call 244-1014.

Next Sunday, September 14, is opening day for the St. Joseph County Grange Fair. The fair runs through Saturday the 20th. It’s a given that there will be something for everyone. Whether you want to spend your time on the midway or just wander around the exhibit barns, it’s a guarantee that you won’t be bored.

Those of you wishing to take advantage of the camping facilities available might want to take note of the following information: Camping fees include a permit for camping from September 11-20 for $100. A weekly pass is $25/person and a weekly auto pass is $5. Of course, there are a few rules that apply to all campers. They would include obtaining a camping permit with NO refunds to individuals leaving early. There is only one car allowed per campsite. All pets in the campground area must have appropriate papers and must be confined to the campsite area. Pets are not allowed in buildings or onto the fairgrounds outside the owner’s campsite area. It is very important that pet owners clean up after their pets. The camping superintendent has the authority to ask campers to move or leave the grounds. Violation of rules is cause for expulsion from the grounds and campsite with NO refund. I’m sure that if everyone abides by these rules, everyone will enjoy a good time.

If you have experience in Yoga or Line Dancing and feel that you might be capable of teaching others in these two activities, please call Renee at the Commission on Aging. The phone number for the COA is 279-8083 or 1-800-641-9899. They need instructors, and Renee will welcome your call.

Senior citizens looking for a good card game will want to check out the Three Rivers Center, located at 103 S. Douglas. The Euchre Club meets every Wednesday from 1 to 3:30 P.M. and the Bridge Club meets every Monday from 1 to 4 P.M. If you would like to learn to play Bridge, you’re invited to meet with the Thursday group. Check with the COA for meeting times and availability.

Here’s something for you to work on for this week. Figure out what the following words have in common: 1) banana 2) dresser 3) grammar 4) potato 5) revive 6) uneven and 7) assess. I’ll have the answer for you next Tuesday.

Remember, the early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.

See you Out and About.

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