Out and About for November 18th, 2008

It’s hard to believe or realize, but Thanksgiving is a week from Thursday. It seems that the St. Joe County Fair was just several weeks ago, and now the smell of roast turkey and freshly baked pumpkin pie will soon be in the air. Here’s a scary thought: Shopping for Christmas begins a week from Friday. I wonder how this day got tagged as “Black Friday”?

This is also the time of the year when you’ll want to visit some of the craft shows that are always easy to find locally. Light & Life Wesleyan Church, 15765 Hoffman, in Three Rivers will host such an event. They refer to their show as a “Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale”, and it takes place this Saturday, November 22, from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. You’ll want to partake of free coffee and cookies while you check out the different crafts, Christmas decorations and delicious baked goods. Norton School, on A.L. Jones Road, west of Three Rivers, will have their own arts and crafts on display. Visit them both; there’s plenty to go around.

‘Tis the season for the Three Rivers Community Players 25th annual “Make We Merry”. Tickets are now available for this festive Holiday community event at the Three Rivers High School Performing Arts Center on December 5 and 6 at 7:30 P.M. Tickets are available at Beam Sound & Video, on West Michigan Avenue, Three Rivers. Prices are $8 for reserved seating and $7 for general admission. If you wait to purchase your tickets at the door, you’ll pay $8 for both reserved and general admission. If you’d like to check the seating arrangements, visit the Players’ website at www.trcommunityplayers.org. To contact Beam Sound & Video, phone 279-6251.

The Three Rivers Community Players wish to thank Armstrong International, Inc. for stepping forward and sponsoring this year’s production of “Make We Merry”. Once again, Armstrong International shows their community spirit. Thank you!!

If you haven’t done so, you can still purchase three-pound cans of gourmet nuts for the Holidays. The Three Rivers Lions Club still has a few cases left, but they won’t last long. To purchase a three-pound can for $20, see any Lion member, or call 506-2620 or 279-7684. These are gourmet nuts, which means there are no peanuts included. They make a great gift for the Holidays.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, Thanksgiving is next week. This has always been a special time for me, because it’s a time to gather with friends and family and celebrate our many blessings. If you know someone in a nursing home or someone living alone, invite the person over for dinner, or take the person out for a delicious meal. They’ll be thankful for your act of kindness and you’ll sleep better at night, knowing that you brought some joy into someone else’s life.

Here’s a hint that might help those of you planning to do some baking for the upcoming holidays. Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill it with hot water. Dump out th hot water, but don’t dry the cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.

Have a great week and I’ll see you Out and About.

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