Out and About for January 26th

OUT AND ABOUT  by Norm Stutesman

     I’m not feeling well. I have a fever. No, it’s not the kind of fever that accompanies a cold or influenza. It’s called “Cabin Fever”. Webster’s New World Dictionary and Thesaurus defines Cabin Fever as “a condition of increased anxiety caused by being confined or isolated”. Now, as the creator of a column dealing with getting Out and About, you’d think that Cabin Fever would be the last thing I’d ever have to deal with. I am kept busy with a variety of activities, but I find myself preferring to conduct these activities indoors, rather than venturing out into the wintry elements. Perhaps I should invest in a snowmobile. At the same time, I might as well look for a different place to sleep, because my wife thinks that I already have enough toys. I must agree with her. Oh well, spring is only a month or two away.

     Not a lot will be going on next weekend here in the Three Rivers area. It’s a different story out in Arizona. It’s SUPER BOWL!  I enjoy watching the game, but I enjoy the commercials even more. A lot of money is spent on 30-second spots, and some of the ads are worth delaying a trip to the bathroom in order to watch. Of course, if you’re not into football, the other networks promise to provide a movie that will also be entertaining. Playing football in Arizona, in my mind, is not real football. I think all Super Bowls should be played in Green Bay. I’m pretty sure Vince Lombardi would agree. No on-field heaters, either. If you want to stay warm, just play harder. If anyone cares, I’d like to see the Steelers go home with the trophy.

     Mother Hicks opens Friday, February 13, at 8 P.M. at the Players’ Theatre, 15526 Millard Road, in Three Rivers. The play runs February 13,14, 20, and 21 at 8 P.M., and the Sunday matinees on the 15 and 22 start promptly at 2 P.M. Mother Hicks is set in southern Illinois during the Great Depression. Tickets are available through Beam Sound and Video on West Michigan Avenue in Three Rivers. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $9 for students and senior citizens.  Beam’s phone number is 279-6251. Tickets will also be available at the door, but as always, advance purchase is recommended.

     The St. Joseph County Transportation Authority thanks those citizens of Three Rivers for climbing onboard the “Green Trolley”. The Three Rivers Circle Line is a little over a month old and seems to be catching on as patrons are finding it to be a very economical way of getting Out and About in Three Rivers. For one dollar, you can board the trolley at any one of 16 stops on the one-hour circuit. If you call the CTA, they will even go a block or so off the route in some areas to ensure that you get a ride. The Circle Line runs Monday through Friday starting at 7 A.M., with the final circuit starting at 4 P.M. For more information, please call the CTA at (269)278-7308. The Sturgis Circle Line also has an hour-long circuit, and the fares and service are pretty much the same.

     As promised, here’s that reminder on “A Night With George In Mime”. Friday evening, February 13, at 6 P.M., everyone is cordially invited to spend an evening with George Clay IV and Company. The Company includes Monique Harris, a singer from Cassopolis, Asia Sutton from Kalamazoo, “Take Over”, a group from Chicago, and from Three Rivers, Cuz will be there to perform. This special evening will take place at the Three Rivers High School Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $10. The evening will serve as a fundraiser for the NIA Project. For more information, please contact Diane Clay at (269)718-9436. Tickets are available at Lowry’s Books & More, 22 N. Main in Three Rivers, or Beam Sound & Video, 1125 W. Michigan Avenue in Three Rivers.

     See you Out and About!!

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