OUT AND ABOUT by Norm Stutesman
I must apologize for a mistake I made in last week’s column. I didn’t notice it, my wife missed it, and the newspaper overlooked it. In mentioning the Super Bowl, I gave the impression that it was to be played in Arizona. Anyone who cares or watched the game knows that it was indeed played in Tampa, Florida. I extend my apologies to those of you who traveled to Arizona in hopes of attending the game in person. I still think Green Bay, Wisconsin, is the ideal venue for a game of such importance. With the economy in such sad shape, I also feel that the winning team should be the only team to be paid, and $l000 per player is fair enough. You could still have fun at Disney World with that much money.
Here’s a reminder to take advantage of an opportunity to enjoy a healthy meal and even purchase a hand-crafted bowl. The 14th annual Empty Bowls Soup Supper will be Thursday from 5 – 7 P.M. at the Three Rivers High School Cafeteria. The cost is more than reasonable: a donation. Proceeds will benefit the Three Rivers Emergency Care Network Food Site.
The Three Rivers High School Choir will perform a benefit concert this coming Sunday, February 8, at 3 P.M. at the Carnegie Center for the Arts, 107 N. Main Street, in Three Rivers. I can’t imagine a better way to spend a winter afternoon than venturing to the Carnegie Center and listening to some very talented young people sing, especially if it’s FREE. If you’ve never attended a vocal music concert presented by students from Three Rivers High School, you’d be thrilled to discover how much talent exists right here in Three Rivers. For more information on this concert or future programs, you may phone the Carnegie Center at (269)273-8882. Annette, Donna or Janet will be happy to bring you up to date. You may also visit their website at www.trcarnegie.com.
I really enjoy living here in Michigan. The winters can be a little rough, and it’s more difficult getting Out and About during these wintry months. I thought I might share a few comments that pertain to those of us who consider ourselves to be true “Michiganders”:
1. A true Michigander measures distance in hours.
2. A true Michigander can drive 65 mph through two feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching.
3. Driving in Michigan is better in the winter, because the potholes are filled with snow.
4. There are four seasons in Michigan. Almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction.
I enjoy sharing these little snippits with you. I’ll try to do this from time to time, especially when there’s a bit of a slowdown in reasons to get Out and About.
I mentioned this fact a couple of weeks ago and I feel it important to mention it again. According to the Michigan State Police, if you enjoy talking on your cell phone while driving, you might as well be driving drunk. Your attention to detail and reaction time aren’t even in the picture. If you were involved in an accident, while using your cell phone, you might decide to adjust your priorities. Don’t send yourself or someone else to the cemetery just because you had to find out about Aunt Beulah’s stomach disorder.
If anyone has something they’d like to share with about 3000 people, drop me a note. My address is at the bottom of this column.
See you Out and About!
Very cool Norm.