Out and About for week of Feb. 9

OUT AND ABOUT  by Norm Stutesman


     A phrase I’ve heard more than once says, “If you don’t care for the weather in Michigan, wait five minutes and it will change.” I think you need to wait a little longer than five minutes, but you must admit that our weather can be unpredictable at times.

    A month or so ago we had temperatures in the fifties for a couple of days.  We then experienced temperatures in the single digits. January was a bit of a challenge, and if what we’ve experienced so far in February is a glimpse of what’s ahead, I think we’re pretty much over the hump of winter. Enough about the Michigan weather!

     On a personal note, if I may. This past weekend our oldest cat passed away. Dionysus was twenty years old, which makes him over ninety in cat years. I took his passing a bit harder than my wife did. Oh, she felt very sad, but she has had many cats move on to that higher plane. We all grieve in different ways. I show my emotions more vividly than most, and I’m afraid there’s not much I can do about it. I’ve never been much of a pet person, but I’ll miss Nysus, because he did leave a paw-print on my heart. Those of you who have a cat or dog fully understand what I mean. Those who have no pets don’t know what you’re missing. In a while, we’ll make our way over to Animal Control in Centreville and go home with another pet that someone else didn’t want. The neat thing about having a pet, rather than a child, is that they’ll never ask to borrow the car and you never have to worry about them running with the wrong crowd.

     Friday evening MOTHER HICKS opens at the Three Rivers Community Players’ Theatre on Millard Road directly behind Dairy Queen in Three Rivers.  Performance dates for MOTHER HICKS are February 13, 14, 15. 20, 21, and 22. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 P.M. and the two Sunday matinees are at 2 P.M. For tickets, please contact Beam Sound & Video on West Michigan Avenue in Three Rivers; the phone number is 279-6251. Tickets will also be available at the door, but due to limited seating, advance purchase is wise.

     For the next several weeks, I will give you some ideas on what you can do with coffee filters, other than filter your favorite morning beverage. Here’s the first: Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent covers.

     The Carnegie Center for the Arts in Three Rivers invites all those interested in learning more about pottery to contact them and find out about taking a class in either Beginning or Advanced Pottery. Marcia Blackman will instruct these classes on Wednesdays beginning February 18. Classes will run through April 15, with no class on March 18. Times are from noon to 2 P.M. and 6 until 8 P.M. The cost for the class is $100;  this includes the supplies. For more information and to register, please contact the Carnegie at 273-8882. If you’re a Carnegie member, you’ll receive a 10% discount.

     The Carnegie also reminds everyone about the 2009 Juried Art Show currently on display. This beautiful show continues through Sunday, February 22. Located at 107 North Main in Three Rivers, the Carnegie Center is a fantastic place to take the entire family. There’s so much to see, and it’s the perfect opportunity to introduce the children to art and the arts. Donna, Janet and Annette would love to have you stop by. You’ll be surprised at how much talent is on exhibit.

      Do yourself and the family a big favor. Go together and get Out and About. I’ll see you around.

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