Out and About – Week of March 23

     I don’t know about you, but I am very happy that spring has finally arrived. The only positive thing about winter, as far as I’m concerned, is that the snow puts the much- needed nitrogen into the ground. Spring is the time of rebirth. The trees come alive with buds, and it won’t be long before we’ll have the smell of fresh cut grass in the air. I’m planning to enjoy the next couple of months to the max. I’m not a big fan of heat and humidity, either.

     You still have time to make plans to attend the Community Action Fair at Glen Oaks Community College on Shimmel Road, east of Centreville. It happens tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25, from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. Community Healing Center, Community Mental Health, Domestic Assault Shelter, Department of Human Services, Area Agency on Aging and MSU Extension are just some of the agencies that you can visit during this fair. These agencies are striving to bring our county resources, our students and the community together.

     The Spirit Rhythms Coffee House welcomes Reverend Michael L. Cobbler to its stage this Saturday evening, March 28, at 7 P.M. Besides being an accomplished jazz musician, he is currently serving as pastor of Hilltop Lutheran Church of the Ascension in South Bend, Indiana. He has held this position since September 2005. Spirit Rhythms is located inside St. John’s Lutheran Church, on Buckhorn Road, north of Three Rivers. Admission to the coffee house is free; however, donations are graciously accepted. While listening to the music of Michael Cobbler, everyone is invited to indulge in the fairly traded coffee and tea and the fabulous gourmet desserts from pastry chef, Amber Mathews. The Spirit Rhythms Coffee House has fantastic musical entertainment the last Saturday of every month. If you’d like more information, you may call St. John’s at 278-7245.

     It’s less than a month away, so you’ll want to mark your calendar for Friday, April 17. The Three Rivers Lions Club will host an open house at their Alexander-Meck Service Center, 420 6th Avenue, Three Rivers, from 4 until 8 P.M. The Lions would appreciate everyone stopping by and learning more about what Lions do, both locally and internationally. Information will be available on the annual ox roast, Project Kidsight, their White Cane Project and much, much more. Refreshments, of course, will be available. This provides a perfect opportunity to learn more about becoming a member of Lions. The Three Rivers Lions Club will celebrate its 60th anniversary and invites everyone to stop by and join the celebration. It promises to be a fun and informative time for all.

     This year’s Water Festival committee is fully into the planning process. As usual, the committee still needs volunteers. Getting volunteers is probably the hardest thing to do in order to make the festival a success. Volunteering is something you do when you have some spare time, and it can be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have. Without volunteers, there just wouldn’t be a Water Festival. Kids Zone, the Classic Car Show, the Ox Roast, the parade, the pie and strawberry shortcake booths and much more just wouldn’t happen were it not for the great volunteers who help. Give Deb a call at the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce and volunteer your time. Her number is 278-8193. Your kids will love you forever.

     Springtime means “spring cleaning”. Coffee filters are lint-free, so they’ll leave windows and mirrors sparkling.

     See you Out and About!

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