Out and About – Week of March 9

     I have a favorite quotation that usually accompanies the e-mails I send: “VOLUNTEER…..THE WORLD IS RUN BY THOSE WHO SHOW UP”.  I didn’t make it up, but I got the idea from a bumper sticker I saw. It pretty much sums up what I believe. I wish I had more spare time. Perhaps I should consider rearranging my priorities.

     I am not in the habit of featuring friends, acquaintances or celebrities in this column. Most individuals don’t feel that they deserve the recognition. I will make an exception this time. I just mentioned volunteering, and I’d like to recognize and applaud all of you who volunteer your time. I’d especially like to recognize two senior citizens who volunteer four days a week at Barrows School in Three Rivers. They keep busy babysitting the babies and toddlers of students who attend Barrows. Kudos to Mattie and Clarice! Barrows School is very fortunate to have you there. There is no excuse for a single parent not to be able to get the equivalent of a high school education because they can’t find a babysitter. I hope that the administration at Barrows and the students in attendance appreciate the time that these two ladies put forth. They really know how to get Out and About. If you know any volunteers, please let them know how much they are appreciated. If you have some spare time, get off the couch. Volunteers are always needed.

     The 53rd Annual Water Festival is scheduled for June 18-20. Planning sessions have already been taking place. It promises to be one of the best ones yet. Here we go again. Volunteers are desperately needed to make this annual event a success. Even if you only have a few hours to spare, step forward and give Deb a call at the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce. Her phone number is 278-8193, and she’s usually available to take your call after 9 A.M. Can you imagine the feeling you’ll have knowing that you had  something to do with making this year’s Water Festival a success?

     A great time to have breakfast out is on the weekend. Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually a very busy time for local eateries. Boy Scout Troop 414 is doing their best to take the pressure off these establishments. Every second Saturday of the month they fire up their griddle and prepare some of the tastiest pancakes in the Three Rivers area. This Saturday, March 14, is no exception. Their griddle and plenty of seating await you at the First Presbyterian Church, at the corner of Bennett and North Main, Three Rivers. The Boy Scouts will “BE PREPARED” to take your breakfast order from 8 to 11. The cost is your donation, and it’s ALL YOU CAN EAT.

     St. Patrick’s Day is next week. In celebration of this festive day, Kennedy’s Kitchen will perform Sunday, March 15, at 3 P.M. at the Riviera Theatre in historic downtown Three Rivers. The Carnegie Center for the Arts and the Riviera Theatre will co-host this program, with tasty treats and St. Paddy’s Day drink specials. Advance tickets are $5 each;  if you decide to pay at the door, you’ll pay $10. You may reserve your tickets now by calling the Carnegie at 273-8882.

     It is still illegal to ride your bicycle or skateboard on the sidewalk in the downtown business district. It’s rude, uncaring and unsafe. It’s a sign of illiteracy if you continue to do so, because signs are posted.

     I couldn’t close this column without giving you another use for coffee filters. Weigh chopped foods by placing chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.

     See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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