Out and About – Week of May 11th

     A belated Happy Mother’s Day to those mothers out there who didn’t read last week’s column. I hope that you all had a wonderful memorable day and were treated the way you should be treated 365 days a year.

     This evening will be a special one for Charlene Zavala, this year’s Citizen of the Year, chosen by the Three Rivers Lions Club. The banquet in her honor starts at 6 at A Place in Time in Three Rivers. If you don’t have a ticket for this special event, you might as well peruse the TV listings, because tickets will NOT be available at the door.  Congratulations, Charlene. This is your day, and this evening you’ll be shown just how much Three Rivers appreciates you.

      Next Friday, May 15, is the deadline to turn in entry forms for the Water Festival Parade, which takes place Friday, June 19 at 7 P.M. It’s also the deadline to sign up for Arts and Crafts booths for the 53rd Annual Water Festival. There are still plenty of spaces available for those interested, but Friday will be here soon enough. After Friday, it will be too late.

      Speaking of the Water Festival, four restaurants have donation cans ready and waiting for your extra change and folding money. Matt and Mikes, Main Street Cafe, Mr. B’s Dairy Bar, and LA’s Coffee Cafe have been very kind to offer counter space for these donation cans. The more money donated means a better festival. Quarters add up and you’d be surprised just how fast.

     Memorial Day is less than two weeks away. It’s one of those days when we remember and pay tribute to those men and women who paid the ultimate price to preserve our freedom. The parade will probably be rather short, but it certainly will be memorable. Riverside Cemetery will be ready for the special ceremony that honors the fallen. A few chosen words and the bagpiper playing “Amazing Grace” will definitely set the mood for this special day. If you watch the parade, follow it to the cemetery. It will be good for the heart and great for the soul. I thank the American Legion and others who have worked so hard to make this day so meaningful.

     While at Riverside Cemetery, please notice how well maintained it continues to be. The surveillance cameras and the Public Service workers who look after the park keep  Riverside a place we all can be proud to call our own.

     Next Saturday, May 16, Tamarac residents will hold their annual garage sale. Make some time and journey out to this subdivision north of Three Rivers to check out some of the potential treasures you might run across. Take your trailer, pickup, or a car with a large trunk, and see what you might find at a price you can well afford. During this time, you’ll also want to stop by St. John’s Lutheran Church for a tasty lunch. Located at 56050 Buckhorn Road, St. John’s will offer hot dogs, chips, cookies, and beverages. Oh yes, restroom facilities will also be available. St. John’s will be open from 9 A.M. until l P.M.  This is another activity you can do as a family.

     Those who have chinaware in their households may appreciate another way to protect those pieces of fine dinnerware that Mom passed down to them. Separate those good dishes by putting coffee filters between them. And you thought I’d forgotten about the coffee filters!

      Have a great week, and I’ll see you Out and About.

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