Out and About – Week of June 1st

     The 53rd Annual Three Rivers Water Festival is in its final planning stages. Everything seems to be coming together, as it always does, and the only thing that might hurt us is the weather. So, if you haven’t already done so, mark your calendar for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 18 through 20. From the first ox roast sandwich to the final firework, the Three Rivers community is in for a memorable three days. Deb Herring, Water Festival chair, says that she is still in need of volunteers to help make the festival a complete success. Volunteers to assist with the Friday evening parade are really needed. Volunteers are needed in the staging area to make sure the parade steps off on the right foot and on time. Don’t worry, you won’t miss any of the parade. In fact, you’ll probably see more of it in the staging area. To volunteer for the parade staging, or any other part of the Water Festival, call Deb at the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce. Phone (269)278-8193. “Volunteer . . .the world is run by those who show up.”

     Golfers, your time has arrived.  You might want to consider checking into two upcoming golf outings.

     The Domestic and Sexual Abuse Services (DASAS) outing will be an 18-hole scramble on Monday, June 8  with a shotgun start at 1 P.M. Island Hills Golf Club, near Centreville off Shimmel Road, will host this outing, which is FORE charity. Pricing for this event is $100 single/$400 for a team of four, which includes the 18 holes and dinner. If you’re interested in just the dinner, the cost is $20. If the golf is canceled due to weather, prizes will be awarded, the meal will go on as scheduled, and the golf fee will become a tax-deductible donation. For  more information, please call DASAS Administration at (269)273-6154 extension 101.

     Thursday, June 11 is the date for the 20th Annual Special Olympics Golf Outing. Pine View Golf Club, on Pulver Road, north of Three Rivers will host this outing with a 9:30 A.M. shotgun start. It will be a four-player scramble with a Special Olympian playing as the fifth member of the foursome. Teams may consist of all men, all women, or a combination. The cost is $70 per player, which includes golf, cart and dinner. If you need an extra dinner, the cost is $15. The dinner menu includes seasoned roast pork, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, tossed salad and dinner rolls. They can’t have a golf outing without prizes and raffles, so there will be plenty of each, but you must be present to win. Proceeds from this fun outing will benefit your local Special Olympic year-round program. For further information, call Karen Randall at (269)467-5416.

     A week or so ago, I voiced my opinion about the mistreatment of the family pet. I’m pretty much referring to dogs and cats. This week I’d like to let you know about the 69th Annual Pet Show, Friday, June 19, in Lafayette Park, in Three Rivers. Lafayette Park is located across the street from Hoppin Elementary School. Judging begins at 10 A.M. Do something nice for your pet and give her/him a chance to participate in this historic event, which is open to youngsters under age 15. You must make sure your pet is caged or securely leashed and don’t forget to take water for your animal. Spectators of all ages are encouraged to view this activity, which is part of the Three Rivers Water Festival. Pet show winners will be able to walk in the festival parade, which steps off at 7 P.M.

     This is the nicest time of the year to get Out and About. There’s so much going on and remember, most of the activities are FREE.

     See you Out and About!

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