Out and About – Week of July 27

     The Three Rivers Community Players are trying something new this season. They have added a summer show to their 2008-2009 season. SQUABBLES, a two-act comedy,  will take the stage on the last two weekends in August at the Players’ Theatre on Millard Road, directly west of Dairy Queen in Three Rivers. Director Jackie Starr has already cast the show, and rehearsals started last evening.  Now is the time to mark your calendars  for August 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, and 30. As usual, curtain time for Fridays and Saturdays is 8 P.M., and the two Sunday matinees will begin promptly at 2 P.M. More information will be forthcoming as soon as tickets become available.

     Many of you refer to this column to find out what’s going on over at the Commission on Aging (COA).  They have so many activities geared to those of you in your golden years. I  suggest that you contact the COA and make arrangements to subscribe to their newsletter. It’s filled with a schedule of current activities, recipes and a variety of other things that are of interest to everyone who frequents the COA. It’s a perfect way of keeping “in the loop” on getting Out and About.  Phone the Commission on Aging in Three Rivers at 279-8083.

     It’s still two weeks away, but it’s not too early to make plans to attend the 49th Annual Antique Tractor and Engine Show. The weekend of August 7, 8, and 9 is when it happens and, of course, Boot Hill Ranch in Jones is where it happens. Boot Hill Ranch is located one and one half miles east of Jones on Bair Lake Street. This year all IHC equipment will be featured.

     They did it last year, and they’ll do it again this year. I’m talking about the tractor tour that covers between 65 and 70 miles. The tour will leave the show grounds on Thursday, August 6. Those interested in becoming a part of this memorable event should contact Duane Hollister at (269)683-9537.

     Movie star Jeff Daniels hails from Michigan and will be featured this evening in a FREE movie at the Three Rivers Public Library, 103 South Douglas. Escanaba in da Moonlight, written by Daniels, depicts life in a deer camp in the Upper Peninsula. You  may recall that it was performed on stage recently at the Three Rivers Community Players Theatre. That’s tonight, July 28, at 6 P.M.

     Lew Sterrett, of Miracle Mountain Ranch in Pennsylvania, will deliver the “Sermon on the Mount” tonight and tomorrow night, July 28 and 29 at the fairgrounds in Centreville beginning at 6:30 P.M. Lew uses horses to illustrate lessons for life. If you love horses and enjoy attending events that are FREE, then you’ll not want to miss this program. I’m sure it’s another thing the entire family would enjoy seeing together.

     Next Saturday, August 1, the Mendon Heritage Schoolhouse Steering Committee will host a benefit pancake breakfast at Kline’s Resort on Silver Street, just north of M-60, west of Mendon. Breakfast will be served from 8 to 10 A.M. and includes eggs, sausage, a beverage, and all the pancakes you can eat. Prices are $4 for adults and $2 for children ages 4 to 12. Proceeds will go to the Heritage Schoolhouse Restoration Fund.     

      See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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