Out and About – Week of August 24th

I’m starting the column with trivia. You’ll see why as you continue to read the column.

  • 1. There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
  • 2. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.
  • 3. There are four main blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Each blood type is either Rh positive or negative.

     The reason I mention these facts is to let you know about a blood drive going on tomorrow, Wednesday, August 26, from 11:30 A.M. until 5:15 P.M.  Kadant-Johnson is once again offering the JOCO Center for this very important event. Giving blood is an act that costs you only your time. You even receive a FREE cup of juice for your efforts and you’ll probably be able to lie down while doing it. The result is that you could end up saving someone’s life and you’ll sleep better at night, knowing that you did an unselfish thing. Your mother would be proud of you, and so will George.

     For sixth grade students or new students planning to attend Three Rivers Middle School, there will be an orientation at the Middle School Auditorium this evening, August 25, and Thursday evening, August 27. Students whose last names begin with A through L should plan to attend this evening’s orientation at 6:30. Students with last names beginning with M through Z may attend the orientation on August 27, also at 6:30 P.M. Following the meeting in the auditorium, students will have the opportunity to locate their classrooms and lockers

     Labor Day is less than two weeks away. There are two great things about Labor Day and the weekend preceding it. Number one is that the kids will finally be back in the classroom within the next 48 hours, and number two is that HarmonyFest will fill the downtown area of Three Rivers. That’s right, the 16th Annual HarmonyFest happens Sunday, September 6, from 1 to 11 P.M. on Main Street in downtown Three Rivers. It’s just another event that is FREE, and everyone is welcome. Here are a few guidelines to help ensure that everyone will have a good time:

  • 1. Do take a lawn chair.
  • 2. Do not take alcohol, glass containers, or the family dog.
  • 3. Do not ride your bicycle in the HarmonyFest area.
  • 4. Leave your bad manners and rudeness at home.
  • 5. Take someone with you who appreciates and shares your love of music.

     Besides the musical entertainment, there will also be KidsFest for the younger kids, with plenty of free games, including snacks and prizes. KidsFest runs from 3-5 P.M. For the teenagers, there will be a free new guitar for the winner of the 3rd Annual Guitar Contest. The historic Riviera Theatre will once again host this event. Don’t worry about taking along any food, because there will be plenty of food vendors on site.

     Check this newspaper for a complete line-up of the entertainment for HarmonyFest 2009.

     Here’s the final Law of Ultimate Reality for August: LAW OF RANDOM NUMBERS – If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal, and someone always answers.

     Winter will be here before you know it. Now might be a good time to get that snow blower ready for the white stuff. Replace that sparkplug and adjust the cables. If you don’t own a snow blower, check the classifieds or consider adopting a teenager who wants to build up his or her upper body strength.

     See you Out and About.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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