Out and About – Week of August 31st

     This is the first day of September, but it feels like the middle of October with the way Mother Nature has been treating us. It’s been a very weird summer to say the least. We experienced a dry spell several weeks ago, and now you’d be smart to carry an umbrella with you anytime you venture out. I’ve learned to have a calendar close by, because, without it, I’m not sure what month we’re really in. On top of that, the NFL is already playing their pre-season games and the Three Rivers Wildcats returned from Allegan last Thursday with their first football victory. Enough about the weather!

     To those students enjoying the last week of vacation before returning to school, I offer my condolences and a bit of advice. You’ve had almost three months to sleep in, relax, and recharge your battieries. Some of you have been working to earn a few extra bucks, and for that, I give you a pat on the back. To all of you, I strongly advise you to return to school with a positive attitude. Try to absorb as much knowledge as you can and have a great time doing it. Cherish these years when your responsibilities are few and the education is free. Choose your friends carefully, for your true friends will stay with you for a lifetime. Finally, if you want to have some fun with your parents, ask them if there’s anything that you can do to help them out around the house before school starts. Make sure you have your camera or cell phone nearby, because the facial expression you receive will be priceless.

     I don’t think we’ve been plagued by mosquitoes much this year, but you might want to clip this out and save it for next year. It’s an idea on how to deal with those pesky insects that enjoy sucking your blood. Take a small bottle and fill it with Listerine. Make sure you have some sort of spray attachment on the bottle. When you notice mosquitoes arriving on the scene, spray the area with the Listerine. Don’t forget any standing water in the area. Mosquitoes love old rubber tires with water on the inside. I don’t care for mosquitoes with bad breath, so this is an idea worth remembering.

     Next Sunday, which is Labor Day weekend, you’ll want to remember to take the family downtown for HarmonyFest. The music starts around 1 P.M. and goes into the night. If you enjoy Gospel, you’ll want to be there. If you enjoy Rhythm and Blues, you’ll want to be there. If you love good food, you’ll want to be there. Remember, no alcohol, no bike riding, and no rude behavior. If you know of an elderly person who enjoys getting Out and About and doesn’t have a way to get there, ask them to join you. This event is FREE and is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart.

     My friend Dave thought it would be a good idea to remind everyone that starting next Sunday, services at the United Methodist Church, 215 North Main, Three Rivers, will return to their normal time for Sunday services. Early service is at 8:30 A.M. and the regular service at 10:30 A.M.

     Here are a couple of things that sometimes trouble me. Perhaps you might agree with my thinking.

  • 1. MapQuest really needs to start their directions on #5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
  • 2. I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take two trips to bring the groceries in.

      See you at HarmonyFest or some other time when we’re all Out and About.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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