Out and About – Week of Nov. 23rd

One of the neat things about this “Out and About” column is that it appears in the paper every Tuesday. I’m pretty sure I had a say on this matter, and for that I am thankful. Appearing in the Tuesday edition, it gives readers plenty of time to plan the upcoming weekend, which is when most of the activities happen. Today is a little different, because the day after tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and next weekend most of us will regret the fact that, once again, we over-indulged and ate too much on Thursday. My wife and I, on the other hand, spend Thanksgiving fasting and reflecting on all that we are so very thankful for. Here are some of the things that I will think about and be thankful for, as I sit in silence in a dimly lit room, humming to myself “Amazing Grace”:

1. I am thankful for a loving family and close friends.

2. I am thankful for a warm place to sleep with food in the refrigerator.

3. I am thankful for being in reasonably good health.

4. I am thankful for living in the neatest community in the greatest country in the entire world.

Perhaps many of you have some of the same things to be thankful for as I do. On Thanksgiving Day, while you’re enjoying a sumptuous meal, thank those who have made all this possible. I will.

Speaking of sumptuous meals, there are at least two churches that will provide a free meal to all those that desire to stop by.

Trinity Episcopal Church, 321 North Main Street, Three Rivers, will host their 18th Annual Free Thanksgiving Eve Dinner, Wednesday evening, November 25, from 4 to 6 P.M. at the church. There will be volunteers from several area churches helping to put on this popular project. The menu will consist of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, corn, pickled beets, cranberry relish, rolls, and pie.

It is important for all to remember that this dinner isn’t just for the less fortunate, but is for anyone wishing to enjoy a good meal and socialize with neighbors and friends.

Because of this event, the regular free weekly soup pot held every Tuesday and Thursday, will not be held this week. For more information, please contact the church at (269)273-3795.

Light and Life Wesleyan Church, US-131 and Hoffman Road in Three Rivers will host a Free Community Thanksgiving Meal, Thursday, November 26, from 11 A.M. until 2 P.M. This will be a traditional meal, with tamales, too. The doors will open at 10:30 and carryouts will be available.

The day after Thanksgiving has earned the name “Black Friday”. It is known to be the busiest shopping day of the year. There are many of you who venture out every “Black Friday” to get a start on your holiday shopping. You spend a lot of money, and you take no prisoners. As you enter “Bargain Land”, please mind your manners and treat those customer service people with some respect and kindness, and they’ll treat you the same way. Act in a way that would make your mother proud.

Congratulations to Coach J.J. Wagner and the Three Rivers Wildcats. They have earned the right to play at Ford Field for the state championship. It was an honor to ride with the fire department last Saturday and give them a heroe’s welcome home.

G O C A T S !

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for each and every one of you.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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