Out and About – Week of November 16th

Thanksgiving is still a week away, but it’s not too early to start your planning for this annual day of feasting and football. Now is the time to start thinking about those less fortunate. Perhaps you know of someone living alone, who will spend Thanksgiving like any other day: alone. Perhaps you might invite that person to join you for a delicious dinner and some welcome conversation. If nothing else, take someone a plate of food and visit with her or him while s/he enjoys that welcome meal. All you have to do is imagine what it would be like to be alone and what might make you happy during this holiday season. Then, do something special for someone. Remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you.”

Next Saturday, November 21, Light and Life Wesleyan Church, 15765 Hoffman Road, Three Rivers, will hold a craft and bake sale from 9 A.M. until 2 P.M. Free coffee and cookies will be available and, new this year, they will have a “Bargain Corner” with items selling for $1 or less. Many lovely homemade crafts will adorn the “Bargain Corner”, and they all come with some great prices. For more information, you may contact Life and Life Wesleyan Church at (269)273-3228.

Another bake sale and bazaar you won’t want to miss also takes place on Saturday, November 21 also from 9 A.M. until 2 P.M. The Ninth Street United Methodist Church, 700 Ninth Street in Three Rivers will host this must-attend event. They will serve lunch from 11 A.M. until 2 P.M. Items that you’ll want to look at include Christmas decorations, gifts, ceramics, crafts, toys, rugs, and quilts. These two bazaars could be your one stop where you could do most of your holiday shopping. Imagine the good feeling you might have, knowing that you spent your hard-earned money locally and helped your neighbors rather than some big box store.

Last Friday, the Three Rivers Wildcats hosted Holland Christian in Vicksburg. It seems that Armstrong Field has not yet healed from the time we played Otsego. Anyway, the Wildcats came away a winner once again, winning 44-20. Congratulations to Coach Wagner and his Wildcats. I have a hunch that having the loyal fans, the cheerleaders, and the Wildcat Marching Band in attendance also contributed to their victory. Onward and Northward. GO CATS!

Deer season opened last Sunday, November 15. Something has been bothering me for quite some time, and no one has been able to come up with a good answer. How do they get deer to cross the road only at those yellow road signs? The life of a deer must be very depressing, because there sure are a lot of them attempting suicide. Good luck to all you hunters. Please remember your hunter safety rules, and be especially careful if you use a tree stand.

I extend a special thanks to Renee Welch at the Commission on Aging. The Senior Action News that you folks publish has been an invaluable tool. Folks will never be at a loss for something to do, if they read your publication and read this “Out and About” column.

It has been said that if you don’t learn something new every day, your day has been wasted. Here’s something that will prevent you from wasting the day. More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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