Out and About – Week of Jan. 25th

Ninety percent of the time, I inform you readers of things that are happening, or are going to happen, in the Three Rivers community. The purpose is to give you a reason to get Out and About. The remaining ten percent of the time, I tell you about an event that recently happened, or share some interesting or humorous facts. Last Thursday evening would fall into the ten percent time area.

My wife and I were privileged to be invited to the Three Rivers Area Mentoring (TRAM) Third Annual Mentor/Partnership Appreciation Dinner. The media is filled with a lot of negativity these days and perhaps rightfully so, but I feel that more attention should be given to positive and happy items. This banquet was definitely a happy and positive event. Charlene Zavala, Executive Director of TRAM, deserves a lot of the credit for TRAM’s success, but she would be the first to admit that everyone involved with TRAM is equally responsible and deserving of the accolades. I was reminded of the Energizer Bunny as Charlene spoke highly of her staff, TRAM’s Board of Directors, the mentors, the mentees and the many individuals and organizations that work together to make TRAM work.

I want to pass along kudos to the members of the National Honor Society. These fine young people served the dinner to the guests and did so in a very orderly and professional manner. They reminded me that our future and theirs will be one filled with promise.

Mrs. Zavala also mentioned that each one of us has a mentor, whether we are willing to admit it or not. I couldn’t agree with her more. I married mine. You could tell by her presentation that she thoroughly enjoys and loves her job. Near the end of her speech, she said, “If you love your job, you’ll never work a day of your life.” Thank you, Charlene, for all that you and the members of TRAM do to keep kids on track.

Christmas was almost a month ago. Most of our wish lists are either in the trash or put away somewhere until next year. One wish list will never be completely without needs or wishes. This list belongs to Domestic and Sexual Abuse Services (DASAS). It’s unfortunate that DASAS even needs to exist, but fortunately, it does, because there is such a need.

I mentioned several columns ago that we should all be watching for grocery and dry goods sales that offer buy one, get one free, or more commonly known as BOGO. Here are some items that DASAS can really use, whenever you run across a BOGO sale:

1.Coffee, creamer, and juice;

2.Canned fruit, soup, stew, and boxed dinners;

3.Mayonnaise and ketchup;

4.Baby wipes;

5.Diapers of all sizes;

6.Over-the-counter cold, cough and flu medication for adults and children.

I’ll include more needed items in a future column. Also, before throwing something away, check to see if DASAS might be able to use it. Should you have questions or like to help in some way, please phone (269)279-5122.

I refuse to end my column leaving everyone feeling depressed. You can do that on your own by watching the eleven o’clock news. I will, therefore, close this week’s column with a few bits of very interesting information:

1.Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

2.It is impossible to lick your elbow.

3.The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: ALASKA.

4.The average number of people airborne over the U.S. in any given hour: 61,000

5.What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common? All were invented by women.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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