Out and About – Week of January 11th

At times, I mention an event that won’t take place for over a month. I do this because I feel it’s an important event and there also might be a time factor involved. The 2010 Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce Ice Breaker Silent Auction is such an event. I would assume that 75% of the residents in the Three Rivers community aren’t aware of everything the Chamber does throughout the year. The Annual Water Festival is but one noteworthy example. Anyway, the silent auction takes place Saturday evening, February 27, at 7:00, at A Place in Time banquet hall in historic downtown Three Rivers. There is a fee of $15 per person to enjoy this fun-filled evening with food, beverages, and many wonderful items up for bidding. Now, the reason for advance notification is that tickets are already available, while supplies last, at the Chamber office, 57 North Main Street, Three Rivers. If you have questions, or would like more information, please contact the Chamber at (269)278-8193. I’ll mention this again as the Ice Breaker draws closer.

Speaking of advance notice and planning, the 2010 Three Rivers Water Festival committee has already started to plan this year’s festival. A theme will be decided within the next week or so, and three fun-filled three days are promised to all.

The same can be said of this year’s American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. A couple of meetings have already been held, and it’s been decided to have a western cowboy theme. “Cowboy Kickin’ for a Cure” is the theme, and a kick-off party will be held a week from today, Tuesday, January 19 at 6 P.M. in the Three Rivers High School cafeteria. Everyone interested in participating in this year’s relay is invited to attend this evening of food and fun, so grab your 10-gallon hat and slip on your cowboy boots and share your ideas. The dates for Relay for Life are June 25-26 from noon to noon, at Armstrong Field in Three Rivers. The opening ceremony is scheduled for 3 P.M. and the survivor ceremony at 6 P.M. If you’ve never attended a relay, you’ve missed a memorable experience. If you’re interested in participating, please contact Shelley Girdley at (269) 506-2171. You may also e-mail Shelley at fsgirdley99@yahoo.com.

I guess we’re pretty much in the middle of our winter season. We probably have about another two months of dealing with harsh driving conditions and bitter cold. Probably our biggest concern is staying comfortable and being careful when getting Out and About. I’ve mentioned it before, but I feel it important to mention again. When driving in snowy conditions, please have your headlights turned on. It amazes me how many drivers don’t use their headlights when it’s snowing. It is much easier to see an approaching car if the headlights are on. You also might want to make sure your gas tank stays above the half-full level and your windshield washer reservoir has plenty of that blue stuff. Your car should also have a blanket or two and a working flashlight in the trunk. The days are now getting longer, and it won’t be long before we’ll be checking the car air conditioner to make sure it is in working order.

I did this for the fall season, so I might as well do it for winter as well. Here are some signs concerning our Michigan winter:

1)Skinny rabbit tracks in the snow mean that a thaw is close at hand.

2)Fat rabbit tracks in the snow mean that a thaw is a long way off.

3)If the beaver adds more wood to the north side of his home, winter will continue.

4)If the trees split their bark, it will be a dry, warm spring.

5)When the pine needles sweat, spring is an early bet.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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