Out and About – Week of March 22

Spring officially arrived last Saturday, March 20. This is according to the calendar I have in my office. I’m pretty sure, however, that spring began about two or three weeks ago. “How do you know this?” you ask. Well, the temperature has been in the fifties, buds are on the trees, the water level in the rivers has risen, and most importantly, Mike King has set up Weenie Kings at the intersection of Douglas Avenue and West Michigan Avenue in Three Rivers. This is next to the Three Rivers Public Library/Commission on Aging/Community Center. A few people thought it was too early for the familiar hot dog stand to be there, but after sampling one of Weenie Kings’ dogs, one realizes that it’s never too early. Welcome back, Mike, and save a dog for me.

With the fantastic weather upon us, it’s time to remind everyone of a few things concerning courtesy to others. It’s great to get the bicycle out and ride again. Please remember that riding on the sidewalk, especially in the downtown area, is forbidden. “NO BIKE RIDING” is even painted at each end of the business district. Those of you who can’t read or don’t care might be reminded of this safety rule by a pedestrian or local merchant. This is also the time of the year when a lot of you enjoy taking your pet dog for a walk. This is a sure sign of spring. Two things you might want to keep in mind would be to keep Fido on a leash and carry a plastic bag, so that when Fido feels it necessary to leave a dropping, you’ll be able to pick it up and take it home with you as a memento. This is spring. Let’s all make sure that everyone enjoys this special time.

The Spring Sampler of Art opened at the Carnegie Center for the Arts Sunday, March 7. The Monroe Museum is the temporary home of this work done by high school students from St. Joseph County. Photography, graphite, acrylic, fabric, and pottery make up this amazing exhibit. This show closes April 10.

Also appearing at the Carnegie, in the Armstrong and Wong galleries, is “Freedom: The Sky’s the Limit” by Susan Teague, with featured works of art by artists Jean Appel, Joseph Brady, Diane Coghlin, Susan Ellison, Melissa Martin, Beth McVeigh, Kirsten Rimes, and Joy Zylstra. In the Mezzanine gallery, Fred Grunert presents a collection of his own work. He has arranged and hung the Juried Competition and the St. Joseph County High School Show for thirty years, and was instrumental in the creation of the Carnegie Center from its inception.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts is located at 107 North Main Street in historic downtown Three Rivers. The gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. and Saturday from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.. You are invited to visit the Carnegie website at www.trcarnegie.com., or you may phone them at (269)273-8882.

Huss School on Eighth Street in Three Rivers has been vacant far too long. Finally, someone has decided to make use of this historic building and grounds and, in their special way, give it back to the community of Three Rivers. Triple Ripple Community Gardens, a FREE community garden, is starting at the Huss School property and will be led by kids who want to give something back to the community. The first organization and information meeting was held last Sunday March 21 and a second will be held this Thursday, March 25 at 5:30 P.M. at the offices of Family Development Services, 2 North Main Street in Three Rivers. Middle School and High School kids will spearhead this project, and they need supplies and everyone’s help and support to make this project work.

Another sure sign of spring is the celebration of Easter. There was a time when businesses would close on Good Friday so that everyone could attend Good Friday services. Not so anymore. The problem has been solved. Local Methodist churches have decided to have one evening service on Good Friday, April 2, at 7 P.M. at the First United Methodist Church on North Main Street in Three Rivers. This same church will also have a sunrise service at Riverside Cemetery at 8 A.M. on Easter Sunday, April 4, followed by a worship service at the church at 10:30 A.M. Everyone is invited to attend this glorious time of celebration.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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