Out and About – Week of March 29th

Last Thursday we lost Meezer. Meezer was a Siamese cat that my wife had had for about eighteen years. There was a time when she could hold him in one hand. I met Meezer when I started courting my wife. He reminded me of myself when I was younger. He was cross-eyed, he could be referred to as being snaggle-toothed, and the other cats easily bullied him. Anyway, Meezer had outlived the four other cats that shared our home. One by one they crossed over to that other place that some might refer to as “Kitty Heaven”. Each time one passed, we felt the loss, but continued with our lives with memories and pictures to look at from time to time. When Meezer and Nysus were the two remaining cats, we visited Animal Control in Centreville and adopted Dixie, a six-year-old gray cat, who we’re sure was abused. It has taken almost a year for Dixie to train us and for us to get used to her peculiar ways. Adopting is, by far, the best way to go, when it comes to getting a family pet. We plan to give Dixie the run of the place, without any competition, for a while and, when we’re ready and, most importantly, when she’s ready, we’ll contact Animal Control and bring home a pet for Dixie to train. Meanwhile, we thank you Meezer for the happy moments and for the love that you returned unconditionally. Thanks for the ride. Now, go find Nysus and play some cops and robbers.

Thank you for allowing me the first paragraph for something that has nothing to do with getting Out and About. I’ll do this every so often as a reminder that it is great to get Out and About, but it’s just as nice to come home, especially when there’s a pet to greet you. If your pet happens to be a cat, it’s more like them giving you permission to cross the threshold into their private world.

On checking my “Reminder Folder”, I see that local Methodist churches have decided to have one common evening service on Good Friday, April 2. The First United Methodist Church on North Main Street in Three Rivers will host this service beginning at 7 P.M. This same church will also have a sunrise service at Riverside Cemetery at 8 o’clock on Easter Sunday, April 4, followed by a worship service at the church at 10:30. Everyone is invited to attend this glorious time of celebration.

Also on Easter Sunday, Light & Life Wesleyan Church, 15765 Hoffman Road, Three Rivers, invites everyone to witness “The Inn Keeper at Easter” at 9:30 A.M. There will be a free full breakfast following this service. Light & Life Wesleyan Church is located across the road from the UAW hall, just off US-131.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts invites those interested to register for a pottery class that will run for six weeks beginning Thursday, April 8, and running through Thursday, May 13. The class will meet Thursdays from 6 to 8:30 P.M. Tuition is $100, which includes the supplies. You may register by phoning the Carnegie at (269)273-8882.

A bit early perhaps, but the Carnegie would like to have you set aside Tuesday, April 27, for a performance by Gilmore Young Artist Charlie Albright. The Riviera Theatre is the venue for the concert that begins at 7:30 P.M. A pre-glow celebration, catered by A Place in Time, will be held at the Carnegie from 6 to 7. Please reserve your tickets by phoning the Carnegie at (269)273-8882.

Passover began last evening, so I’d like to wish my friends of the Jewish faith a very happy time of celebration. Last Sunday was Palm Sunday, and next Sunday is Easter. This means that this is truly a time to reflect on your religious beliefs, whatever they might be. This is a time to be thankful that we can all celebrate our religious beliefs without persecution by others.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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