Out and About – Week of May 17th

Three Rivers High School and Middle School invite all music lovers to attend their annual Spring Vocal Music Concert this Thursday, May 20, at 7 P.M., at the Performing Arts Center at the high school. The concert will feature students from both schools performing popular hits that will have the audience tapping their feet in time with the music. The concert is free, so it might be a good idea to arrive early rather than on time. A personal note to parents: It is considered rude to leave after your child’s performance is complete. Stick around and enjoy the entire concert. I’m sure you wouldn’t want others to leave before they had the opportunity to hear your student’s talent.

Here’s an invitation to families of wartime veterans and surviving spouses. The St. Joseph County Commission on Aging will host a seminar on the Aid and Attendance Benefit. This seminar will help you understand VA benefits and the application process. It will also show you how to become eligible, even if you exceed the limits, and will tell you what benefits you are entitled to for residing in an assisted living community. This informative seminar will take place Thursday, May 27 at 6:30 P.M. The Commission on Aging (COA) is located at 103 South Douglas Avenue in Three Rivers. This is the same building where the Three Rivers Public Library and the Three Rivers Community Center are located. You are asked to phone (269)279-8083 for reserved seating. A professional member of the American Association for Wartime Veterans will present the seminar.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts reminds everyone about the 25th Annual Celebration of the Visual Arts currently on display at the Carnegie and continuing until May 25. This artistic display includes the creative talents of pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students. Special thanks go to those students for creating and sharing their talents with the community, to their teachers for their devotion and expertise, and to the sponsors for their generous support.

This Friday evening, May 21, at 7, the Carnegie Center for the Arts, invites everyone to the Silver Triad Flute Recital in the Monroe Museum. This recital is FREE and will include the talents of flutists Kristen Busch, Ruth Corrie, Jolene Cron, Marie Dysangco, Pam Dyer, Judy Gilchrist, Faith Harris, Carla McCerty, Toni Tole, Jan Wiley, Caryn Wilson, Jennifer VanOosterhaut, and Colleen Yonge. What a wonderful way to spend a spring evening.

I don’t recall ever visiting a spa. People have said that it is an experience worth taking. A spa visit is not something that I’m planning to take in the near future. For that matter, it’s not in my far future, either. As a matter of fact, my naked body is something I’d just as soon keep between me and my bathroom mirror. Even that vision scares me a little. For those who feel the same way, you might consider the “Mighty Cucumber”. If you are stressed out and don’t have the time for a massage, a facial, or a visit to the spa, try cutting up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water. The chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and in college students during final exams. The last time I checked, the price of a cucumber is a little less than a spa visit.

Here’s a final word or helpful hint on the use of cucumbers, at least until next time. If you’re looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge, you might be interested in knowing that cucumbers have been used for centuries and were often used by European trappers, traders, and explorers for quick meals to thwart off starvation. I thought they were used primarily to dress up a salad. Thank you, Vic, for your bit of trivia worth saving. It is nice having you as a friend.

I apologize for failing to mention that last Saturday was Armed Forces Day. To my fellow veterans I offer a belated sharp military salute and a special thank you for serving. Ronald Reagan said, “Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world, but the U.S. Armed Forces don’t have that problem.” SEMPER FI!!

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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