Out and About – Week of May 24th

Next Monday, May 31, is Memorial Day. It’s a day when we remember those men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice and given their lives for their country. I would hope that we all think of this day as just that and not just another holiday. There will be a short parade, and it will be a solemn one. The fire trucks and other emergency vehicles will have their lights flashing, but the sirens will be silent, because of the meaning of the parade. I ask only two things from you readers: Please attend the parade and, most importantly, please stand and either salute or place your hand over your heart as the flag of our country passes by. It would also be a good idea to follow the parade to Riverside Cemetery for the ceremony. Riverside is in great shape and well worth the visit. You’ll want to check out the War Memorial and the chapel. Remember to leave your pets at home, because dogs are not allowed in the cemetery, even on a leash.

Do you have plans for the summer? The Carnegie Center for the Arts, in historic downtown Three Rivers, invites you to spend part of your summer doing art. The Carnegie Center’s “Summer Full of Art” programs begin in July, and there is an array of classes to choose from for every age group from three years to teens. There is a capacity for each class, so you’ll want to hurry in and sign up for the class or classes that might interest you. These classes are made possible through the generosity of the Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo, Mittler Family Foundation, Michigan Council of Arts and Cultural Affairs, St. Joseph County United Way, Three Rivers Woman’s Club, and The Friends of the Carnegie Center. For more information, please contact the Carnegie by phoning 273-8882. You may also visit their website at www.trcarnegie.com, or e-mail them at donna@trcarnegie.com.

Those who enjoy visiting the Farmer’s Market every Saturday during the summer might want to check out the Fine Arts Market every second Sunday starting June 13, from noon until 3 P.M. The Three Rivers Artists Guild invites everyone to Scidmore Park, at the same location where the Saturday Farmer’s Market takes place. The Fine Arts Market happens June 13, July 11, August 8, and September 12. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon with talented local artists. This will be the second summer for the Fine Arts Market. Your attendance and support might make it an annual event. It is another good way to introduce your children to the finer things in life. Did I mention that admission is FREE?

Joan Hector, along with her watercolor students, will have a showcase of their works on Saturday, June 5, from 1 until 3 P.M. at Love Your Mother, a store located in historic downtown Three Rivers. This exhibit will be available for viewing during the month of June. Oh yes, refreshments will be served at the June 5th premiere.

“Cowboy Kickin’ For A Cure”. I’ve mentioned it before and, because of its importance, I’ll mention it several more times before the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life, June 25 and 26. Several Relay teams are scheduling fundraisers, and Southern Michigan Bank and Trust is having one of theirs on Saturday, June 5, from 9 A.M. until noon. It’s their annual Relay for Life Car Wash, which will be held at the North Main branch, 1200 North Main Street in Three Rivers. If you’re still unsure of the location, it’s across the street from Goldie’s. If you’re looking for a way to give back to your community and are interested in making a difference, or if you just want to show someone that you care, then make sure you show up and get the family taxi washed. This relay team has even taken into consideration that it might turn out to be a rainy day. If it does rain, the rain date is Saturday, June 12, with the same hours of operation.

A few interesting facts close the column for this week:

There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.

Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.

The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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