Out and About – Week of June 7th

I apologize if some of you think I’m preaching to the choir, but from what I’ve seen, I feel it’s important enough to mention at this time. When we have a holiday like Memorial Day, which always falls on a Monday, our trash pickup is delayed a day. This is not a life or death situation, but I’m sure there are many of you who were wondering why your trash was picked up a day later last week. There you have it. Your garbage person had the holiday off, so she/he must work that Saturday to make up for it. The question, for which I need an answer, is what happens on the Fourth of July, which falls on a Sunday. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I think I’ll put out our toter on the normally scheduled day and see what happens.

Water Festival is next week. The Water Festival parade is Friday, June 18 at 7 P.M. Here’s a reminder for parade entrants. Your parade packet is waiting for you at the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce office, 57 North Main Street, in historic downtown Three Rivers. This packet is very important, because it contains your entry number, your staging time and location, plus all sorts of rules that you must follow as an entry. It would be a very good idea to pick up your packet as soon as possible to avoid getting that reminder phone call from the Chamber. If you’ve already picked up your packet, you deserve a big “Atta-Girl” or “Atta-Boy”. The parade promises to be another great attraction to this year’s “TR Down on the Farm” Water Festival.

I undoubtedly will mention this at least one more time, because it is very important. The Water Festival is probably one of the best ways to get Out and About. The parade itself has been regarded as one of the best in the state of Michigan. Here’s the important thing to remember. Please watch your children during the parade. Keep them on the curb and out of the street. Nothing can subdue the excitement of a parade more than some child becoming injured by stepping out into the street and being struck by a vehicle. All parade entrants have been instructed to approach the curb when passing out candy or other give-aways.

Memorial Day 2010 is now history and unfortunately, there was not a ceremony at Riverside Cemetery following the parade, due to rain. Riverside is such a beautiful resting place for those who have passed on. It is also a place where we can pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in war. To help keep Riverside Cemetery a place to honor and remember our loved ones, a new enterprise is in the process of forming. “Friends of Riverside Cemetery, Inc.” is a new group whose primary purpose will be to preserve and maintain the cemetery. Among other things, it will promote the proper ongoing care and maintenance of the cemetery, which includes the Oakdale Chapel, memorial sites, trees and shrubbery, and the Civil War Memorial. Due to its newness, there isn’t much else to tell. I just thought you might want to be aware of something new and exciting. Riverside Cemetery is a wonderful place to go and find peace, whether you are alive or deceased.

To wrap up this week’s column on a happy note, I offer you a few more “Laws of Ultimate Reality”:

Law of Close Encounters – The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone with whom you don’t want to be seen.

Variation Law – If you change lines, or traffic lanes, the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now.

Law of Physical Surfaces – The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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