Out and About – Week of September 20th

This is “Fair Week”, which means that the chance of having a couple days of rainy weather is very good. We could go three months without a drop of rain, then during that one week in September, the idea of building an ark doesn’t seem too far fetched. Anyway, this week Centreville’s streets are busy with people making their way to one of the admission gates at the fairgrounds. Going to the fair is still a thrill for me, although I go now for the exhibit barns and the food. As a kid, I enjoyed most of the rides. My mom went with me on the Tilt-A-Whirl once. She was a great mom, and I feel sorry for laughing as she hurled in the car on the way home. Attending the St. Joe County Grange Fair is a great way to get Out and About. There is so much to see and do for the entire family. If you haven’t been yet this year, please try to make the effort to go. I understand they have low-calorie cotton candy and cholesterol-free Italian sausage sandwiches somewhere, and if you eat while standing, you won’t gain any weight.

The Three Rivers Wildcats are 1 and 3 in football. This Friday we host Otsego at Armstrong Field. We have a good chance of winning, but a lot depends on fan support. Three Rivers is known for having loyal fans, so this would be a great opportunity to get out and help the Cats get back on the winning track. If you’re unable to get out to the game, set your radio dial to 97.1 FM and let Tim and Jason talk you through the game on radio station WRCI-FM.

If you enjoyed HarmonyFest during Labor Day weekend, you’ll want to check out the Rusty Wright Band on Saturday, September 25, at the Riviera Theatre in historic downtown Three Rivers. Reported to be an electrifying, blues-infused tour de force of rollicking musical interplay, the Rusty Wright Band is as much fun to watch as it is to listen to. The action starts at 9 P.M., and if you want to be a part of this musical evening, journey down to the Riviera Theatre. Admission is $10 at the door. You’ll leave the theatre in a happy mood and with happy feet.

The Three Rivers Senior Center, 103 South Douglas in Three Rivers, has a history of providing things to do for senior citizens. The Center has just started a Cribbage group, which meets every Wednesday at 1 P.M., and they’d like to have more players participating. If you don’t know how to play, they’ll be happy to teach you. If you used to play and haven’t played in a few years, they’ll refresh your memory. If you’d like to join this group, or would like more information, call the the Senior Center at (269)279-8083.

More people than you can imagine suffer from Diabetes. The St. Joseph County MSU Extension Office will host a “Dining With Diabetes” workshop the four Thursdays in October starting October 7. The workshop includes a notebook, cookbook, and hand-outs, as well as taste testing a meal each of the four weeks. The cost is $35 for persons over 60 years of age and COA members. If interested in this workshop, you’ll want to hurry, because the registration deadline is this Thursday, September 23. You may call the Commission on Aging (COA) at 279-8083 for transportation.

I’m not sure how many teenagers read this column. I would hope that some of them do, because I try to include items of interest for everyone. As I prepare this column this week, I can’t help but think that it will soon be time to rake leaves, and snow shoveling will not be far behind. If you’re an enterprising young person, you might want to consider investing some of your hard-earned money in a rake and snow shovel. There are many elderly citizens in the Three Rivers area who would be happy to pay some nice young person to rake their leaves or shovel the snow off their sidewalk or driveway.

I thank you for taking a few minutes to read this column. If you were able to read it, thank a teacher. If you can read it in English, thank a veteran.

See you Out and About at the St. Joseph County Grange Fair.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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