Out and About – Week of Dec. 27th

Last Tuesday, December 21, was the first day of winter. It was also the shortest day of the year. I should have mentioned this in last week’s column, but I didn’t realize this fact until last Tuesday, and by that time it was too late. Each week’s column is sitting in someone’s inbox by the Sunday before it appears. Anyway, I am extremely happy now, because for the past several days, each day is getting longer by a minute or two. This all means that spring is just around the corner. Try not to get as excited as I am, because I’m sure that we’ll be getting a few more flakes of snow before the robins return.

Periodically, I attempt to share a safe driving tip or two with you readers. I saw an overhead electric sign on US-131 in Grand Rapids last week. “Please signal when changing lanes” flashed on that sign. Not a bad idea. I’ve noticed that a lot of cars have faulty turn signals, because many drivers have turned in front of me and I was not made aware of their intentions, because their turn signals didn’t work. My turn signals have failed me a time or two.

I would like to publicly thank all the postal workers for getting us through another Christmas season. I tried to give our mail carrier a call the other evening but was unsuccessful. He was out taking a walk. Seriously, you are all to be commended for having the patience to handle the long lines at the post office and for trudging through the unshoveled snow in order to reach our mailbox. Thank you.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts is proud to announce the winners of the Viewer’s Choice Awards for their Metals and Quilts exhibit. Elenora Frohriep Emerson and Mary Farrington are the two winners. Elenora’s quilt entitled “Elenora’s Garden” is a queen-sized piece, expertly depicting the many facets of a beautiful garden. Mary’s winning entry entitled “Sylvia”, is a rendering of an over-six-foot- tall crane. Mary has been working with metal for twelve years. This is the first year that two exhibits were combined. The Carnegie Center offers special thanks to all of the artists who contributed to the competition, everyone who took the time to cast their vote, and special thanks to all of the great sponsors for helping to make the competition a resounding success. The Carnegie also reminds everyone about the upcoming Regional Juried Arts Exhibit, which opens Sunday, January 16 from 2 until 4 P.M. The awards presentation will begin at 3 P.M.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts is located at 107 North Main Street, in historic downtown Three Rivers. If you’d like more information regarding exhibits now on display, please call Donna at (269) 273-8882. You may also visit the Carnegie’s website at www.trcarnegie.com.

This will be my final column for this year. I’m taking the rest of the year off and my next column will not be out until January 4, 2011. 2010 has been an interesting year, and I’m sure that 2011 will be one filled with more surprises. If you’re planning to celebrate this Friday evening, New Year’s Eve, please do so sensibly. Try to celebrate here in Three Rivers, and if you plan to drink alcohol, make sure you have a designated driver selected, just in case. You might consider checking out “Midnight on Main” on New Year’s Eve.

I just wouldn’t feel right if I failed to include a few items that have absolutely nothing to do with getting Out and About. I won’t do this again until 2011, I promise. Here are a few questions that really have me puzzled:

What disease did cured ham actually have?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They’re both dogs. 

Have a fun and safe New Year’s Eve, and I’ll see you Out and About.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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