Out and About – Week of May 16th

It’s refreshing to see people getting out and about more, now that the weather has improved a great deal from a couple of months ago. One doesn’t need even a jacket or sweatshirt when venturing outside. Kudos to those who take the time to take their dogs for long walks, or, as a family, put some miles on their bicycles. If you have a dog tied up in your backyard, make sure that it is tethered properly so that it can’t reach those walking past your house. If you’re getting your exercise on a bicycle, remember that, if you’re riding in the street, you must obey all traffic signs in the same way as someone driving a motor vehicle. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a bicyclist cruise right through a stop sign. Remember also to ride with the traffic, and stay as far to the right as possible. As for those driving a motor vehicle, please be conscious of bicyclists, especially children, and give them as much room as possible. Three Rivers has plenty of biking and walking trails to explore, and using them is always FREE.

The month of May is more than half over already, and the Riviera Theatre has still more events scheduled. They will provide a little something for everyone. If you have an interest in movies, then you might want to see Lebanon, PA. This PG-13 rated story deals with a 35-year-old Philadelphia ad man, as he goes to Lebanon, PA to bury his recently deceased father. I’m not a movie critic, so I’ll just suggest that you check this movie out. It opens May 28 at 3 P.M., and runs through June 4. The performances on June 1, 2, 3, and 4 are at 6 P.M.

If your interests lean toward ballet, the film Giselle will be shown May 25 at 6 P.M., and May 29 at 3 P.M.

For blues fans, Grady Champion will perform May 27 at 9 P.M. The cost for this event is $8. You might want to look into advance ticket purchase for this one. As always, you are invited to check out the Riviera’s website at www.trriviera.com, or call the box office direct Monday through Friday from 4 to 10 P.M. at (269)278-8068.

Pet ownership is getting to be the “in”thing” these days. I’ve listed some factors, in past columns, to consider prior to acquiring a pet, and I can only hope that my advice was taken seriously. We have never gone to a pet store to purchase a pet. There are too many dogs and cats at Animal Control that are in need of a good home. Here are a few advantages of acquiring a pet from such a place:

Chances are that a “pre-owned” pet at the shelter is already housebroken.

You’ll get that warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that you saved not just one, but two lives. The pet that you adopt will leave an open space for the shelter to take in another needy animal, and your rescued pet will provide you with unconditional love.

If you adopt a more mature animal, there will be no guessing as to what it will look like, or if it will fit in your car or your lifestyle.

State Representative Matt Lori will make another visit to LA’s Coffee Cafe Friday, May 20, from 8 until 11 A.M. Purpose is to enjoy a cup of coffee and chat with those interested in hearing legislative updates and other topics of interest. This visit is open to the public. LA’s is located at 145 West Michigan Avenue in Three Rivers.

Light and Life Wesleyan Church will host an American Red Cross blood drive Wednesday, May 25, from 11:30A.M. until 5:15 P.M., on Hoffman Road, just west of U.S.-131, and across the road from the U.A.W. hall. The local blood bank is always in need of blood. Take a few minutes and give something that might save someone else’s life. You never know when you might be the one in need.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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