Out and About – Week of May 23rd

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend. It’s a special time for everyone. It’s an opportunity to do some traveling, camping, or just hanging around the old homestead and getting yard work done. In Three Rivers there will be a short parade, followed by a ceremony at Riverside Cemetery. If you’re in the area, please make the time to watch the parade and attend the ceremony at the cemetery. After all, this is what Memorial Day is all about. Thanksgiving is a day when we pause to give thanks for the things we have. Memorial Day is a day when we pause to give thanks to the people who fought for the things we have.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 25 is National Senior Health Fitness Day. In recognition of this, Health TRAC invites senior citizens 60 years and older to visit Health TRAC and ask questions, walk the track, and use some of the equipment between the hours of 8 A.M. and 2 P.M. Refreshments will be served and a drawing will be held for door prizes. Beginning June 11, children’s swim lessons will be offered. For more information, please call (269)278-8722.

As a kid growing up here in Three Rivers, I remember the popcorn stand, now located at Scidmore Park, being located at the corner of Main Street and Michigan Avenue. Unfortunately, the popcorn stand will not be open this year due to lack of funds. Three Rivers Area Mentoring (TRAM), the owner of the stand, is seeking individual and business donations so that the program can resume soon. If you’re interested in learning how the Popcorn Stand program benefits the youth in the community, please contact TRAM Executive Director Stephanie Schoon at (269)278-8726. TRAM will be closed from Monday, June 20 through Friday, July 29. They will reopen August 1. TRAM office hours will remain the same, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., until June 20.

Saturday, May 28, is the Bair Lake Bible Camp Summer Kick Off Day. To celebrate, they are offering a day full of activities for the entire family, and it’s all FREE. Take the family out to the camp, located in Jones, west of South M-40. Activities include zip line, climbing tower, bmx bikes, archery, boating, a picnic lunch, and more. More information can be found at their website: www.blbc.com.

Water Festival is less than a month away. June 16, 17, and 18 will be here sooner than you think. The Festival Committee still needs volunteers, and if you’re planning to be in the Thursday evening parade, you’ll want to make sure to get your parade entry form turned in at the chamber office. Don’t forget that the parade is scheduled for Thursday, June 16, at 7 P.M. Friday, June 17, is the rain date. If you have even a few hours to spare, your help would be greatly appreciated. Give Deb a call at Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce to volunteer. Her number is (269)278-8193.

Looking for someone to walk with? Looking for an indoor track, where you can walk, no matter what the weather is like? The Walkie Talkie Walking Club has just the answer you’re looking for. They walk on an ergonomically designed walking track, or run up the miles on some stationary cycles every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 2 P.M. The venue is the Three Rivers Wellness Pavilion, located on the Three Rivers Health Campus, between Millard Street and Broadway. The cost is only $2 for COA members, and they would love to have some new faces join them.

Just for the fun of it, here are a few questions to test your knowledge. I’ll try to remember to give the answers in next week’s column.

How long did the Hundred Years War last?

Which country makes Panama hats?

What is a camel’s hair brush made of?

Thanks to my buddy, Vic, for making these trivia bits available.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend. Please remember to stand when Old Glory passes by in the local parade, and I’ll see you Out and About.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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