Out and About – Week of May 30th

Before I forget, here are the answers to last week’s trivia questions:

The Hundred Years War lasted 116 years.

The country that makes Panama hats is Ecuador.

A camel’s hair brush is made of squirrel fur.

I thank those who have asked for trivia questions in the past. I enjoy including them in the column from time to time.

I guess it’s spring, although it is sort of hard to tell with the weather we’ve been having: in the forties one day, then two days later we’re perspiring with temps in the eighties. I won’t even mention the rain, only to say that if you ask any farmer, he will tell you that we still haven’t received enough. Anyway, along with spring comes baseball and softball. As a kid, my parents could afford to take the family to Detroit or Chicago for a professional baseball game. It’s still a bit difficult now, with prices ranging from $25 to $50 per ticket. Last year I had the solution. Take the family to Kalamazoo and see some good minor league baseball with the Kalamazoo Kings. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure that they won’t be playing this year, due to poor attendance last year and some financial woes. But wait. Here is another idea. Stay right here in Three Rivers and go watch some Little League ball. On any given Saturday, there’s a game going on somewhere in the Three Rivers area. What a deal! Admission to these games is FREE, and you can watch players play for the love of the game. If baseball is not of interest to you, you might try soccer. Watching a soccer game makes me tired. It seems that everyone is running to the left and then to the right. Definitely not a game for an overweight child. Someday I need to have someone explain the rules and strategies of soccer. My best bet would to find an eight year old who plays the game.

School will soon be out for the summer. This means that there will be more children getting Out and About. As you’re driving around, make sure to keep your eyes open and your brain alert for children running out into the street from between parked cars. A good idea is to watch your speed in residential areas. 25 miles per hour is the normal speed allowed in a residential area. If you happen to be out riding your bicycle, be alert for motor vehicles whose drivers are not aware of their speed.

The petting zoo at Scidmore Park will be open this summer. Thank you city commissioners and anyone else who played a part in making sure this happens. Scidmore Park is a great place to go as a family. Besides the petting zoo, you have a well-outfitted playground and several places where you can enjoy a picnic lunch. There are plenty of ducks and geese around, so watch where you walk. There is also a great walking path to enjoy, with places where you can stop and sit down and watch one of the three rivers pass by. Scidmore Park is also FREE.

Another one of my favorite things about this area, during this time of the year, is the Farmers’ Market. Located near the West Michigan Avenue entrance to Scidmore Park, the market offers vegetables grown locally, along with many other items, including artwork by local artists. The Farmers’ Market is open every Saturday morning during the summer.

Water Festival is less than a month away. June 16, 17, and 18 are the dates. Volunteers are still needed for this annual celebration. Contact Deb Herring at the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce, if you’d like to donate some time and have a lot of fun helping out. Deb’s phone number is (269)278-8193. Remember, Volunteer……the world is run by those who show up.

The annual Dawn Patrol is Sunday, June 19. It’s always held out at the airport, east of Three Rivers on M-60. Actually, it is now in the city limits. Just check the signs. Dawn Patrol is not mentioned very often, because of the excitement of Water Festival, but it is definitely something that you want to see. A good pancake breakfast, airplane rides, and some vintage aircraft on display, and you’ve got Dawn Patrol.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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