Out and About – Week of June 27th

This is definitely a busy time for residents of the Three Rivers area. It seems that there just isn’t enough time to participate in all of the activities that are available. At least that seems to be the case for the past couple of weeks. Water Festival was almost two weeks ago, and yet it seems as if it were only last week. This coming weekend we’ll celebrate the Independence Day, but more of that a little later.

There was so much going on that I failed to mention at least two activities that are annual events.

Relay for Life was held this past Friday and Saturday. From my viewpoint, there was a good turnout out at Armstrong Field. This is a very special event, and it’s unfortunate that there are so many participants. The goal, of course, is to come up with a cure for cancer. Until that happens, Relay will continue to work on seeking money for the necessary research. Relay for Life is another example of how communities come together for a cause. It’s amazing to be there and support the survivors and people who have lost loved ones to this most dreaded disease. The survivor lap, the luminaries, the experience of walking the track with friends and loved ones all make up Relay. If you’ve never stopped by and walked a mile or two, or volunteered to help with Relay, then you are definitely missing out on a memorable time. It could be the best twenty four hours of the year. My heart goes out to the survivors, to those who have lost loved ones, and especially to those volunteers who work very hard to make sure that those who have cancer will never walk alone.

Another event that happened this past weekend, and was very well attended, was the annual Concert in the Park. Lafayette Park in Three Rivers was the venue, and the Kalamazoo Concert Band filled the night air in such a way that made everyone proud to live in “Small Town USA”. Directed by Assistant Director Brian Shetterly, the band entertained the crowd with selections that included “Harlem Nocturne”, “Buenaventura”, “Trumpeter’s Lullaby”, and a medley from The Music Man, plus many more familiar tunes. The Kalamazoo Concert Band is made up of volunteers from all over southwestern Michigan. Special thanks to Gabe Adams and Hohner Funeral Home for spearheading this event. Kudos also to the many other corporations and supporters for giving the citizens of Three Rivers an evening right out of Mayberry.

Independence Day will be celebrated this weekend. So far, the weather looks promising, but we must remember that this is Michigan and not Honolulu. I mention this every year, but it bears repeating. If you’re planning to travel, please be safe, and remember to drive defensively. If you’re planning to stay in the area, please be safe. Gasoline is not a good thing to use as a starter for the family barbeque. Most importantly, remember the true meaning of this holiday. Take a moment or two and remind your children and yourself of how fortunate we are to be able to call the USA home. On a more personal note, remember that he who comes forth with a fifth on the fourth, may not come forth on the fifth.

The summer is young, and we have many more activities to look forward to throughout the next several months. If you have something that you’d like the rest of the community to know about, just drop me a line at the address at the bottom of this column. I can always use a “Heads Up”, and I’ll do my best to put the word out. There’s so much going on around this area, and most of it is inexpensive, or even FREE.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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