Out and About – Week of July 25th

It seems we’re experiencing a break from the extreme heat. Enjoy the milder weather, because I’m sure the high heat index will return; after all, we still have August ahead of us. Now is the time to check the air conditioner and review a few safety items before the real hot and humid days arrive.

Make sure your pet has access to fresh air and plenty of water.

Check periodically on your elderly neighbors, especially if they don’t have air conditioning.

During periods of high heat and humidity, drink plenty of water, even if you’re not thirsty.

This has been a very hot summer. In four months, we’ll be working on ways to stay warm.

Down In Front opens at the Players’ Theatre in Three Rivers on Thursday, August 25. This production will run for just one weekend. Curtain times and ticket prices are not available at this time, but I’ll let you know as soon as I know. Meanwhile, mark that weekend on your calendar. There is so much talent in the Three Rivers area, and you can catch some of it by attending a production by the Three Rivers Community Players.

This Saturday, August 30, the parking lot at the Three Rivers Fire Department will be filled with dogs waiting for a bath as the Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) will host their annual Doggy Wash. The wash will run from 10 A.M. – 3P.M. For your donation, your dog will receive a bath and ear cleaning. Toenail clipping will also be provided. For the humans who bring their dog in for a bath, free hot dogs will be provided. Alpha Boarding Center is working with ARF to make this event possible.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts, located in historic downtown Three Rivers, is finishing Session 1 of their Summer Full of Art program for children ages 3 to 11. This takes place in their basement classrooms and in a couple of gallery spaces. Other exhibits that opened last June will remain open until August 6. You have a little over a week to take advantage of the Carnegie’s air conditioning and take in the exhibits that will interest every member of the family.

The next holiday is Labor Day, the first Monday in September. It’s still over a month away, but Labor Day weekend means HarmonyFest. The 18th Annual HarmonyFest takes place Sunday, September 4, with music and festivities beginning at 2 P.M. Harmony Idol runs from 3 to 5 P.M., and KidsFest will happen from 4 to 6 P.M. Musical performances by Wasepi Bluegrass Band, Buddy Lee, Gratitude Steel Band, Vincent Hayes Project, Mac Arnold, Plate Full of Blues, Nicky Platinum, and many more. More information can be found by visiting trharmonyfest.com. All of this takes place on Main Street in downtown Three Rivers, and it’s all FREE. All you need to do is take a lawn chair to sit on. Food vendors will be available, which means you’ll not only be able to satisfy your hunger for good music, but good food as well.

The 51st Annual Antique Tractor and Engine Show happens the weekend of August 5, 6, and 7 at Boot Hill Ranch, located one and one-half miles east of Jones. Some of the events taking place will be a garden tractor display, pedal tractor pulls, and plenty of tractor games for young and old. Friday and Saturday evenings, Deadwood will perform bluegrass. The St. Joe Valley Old Engine Association will host this family-oriented weekend. For more information, contact Duane Hollister at (269)683-9537.

Tripple Ripple Community Gardens at Huss is still in need of volunteers who want to get out, make some new friends, and do a good thing for their community. There are teams waiting to greet you at Huss School every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5:30 and on Saturday mornings through September. Huss School is located at the intersection of Eighth Street and Madison Street in Three Rivers. Need more information? Contact Julianna at (248)722-9569.

The Commission on Aging (COA) will host a “Wild, Wild West” picnic Friday, August 12, at Meyer Broadway Park, on West Broadway in Three Rivers. This is a reservation only event, and tickets may be purchased at the COA office, 103 South Douglas, and all Senior Centers. The cost is $4, and tickets are available through August 3. Call the COA at (269)279-8083 or 1-800-641-9899. Box lunches, a bake sale, Bingo, a 50/50 drawing, hay rides, games, and prizes are included.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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