Out and About – Week of October 3rd

“Volunteer….the world is run by those who show up.” I truly believe this. As a matter of fact, I’ve been known to have this as my motto. I enjoy volunteering, and the other volunteers that I spend time with are among the finest people you’d ever want to be associated with. The only pay you receive is a good night’s sleep. The volunteers that I see most are those at the hospital, better known as Three Rivers Health. There are volunteers to greet you when you enter, volunteers at the gift shop, and when you buy that cup of coffee at the snack bar, a volunteer pours it for you. The next time you’re Out and About at TR Health, thank a volunteer for donating her/his time. It’s the only pay they receive, and your kind words will be appreciated. Kudos to all you volunteers.

Last Friday was Homecoming for Three Rivers. We had a rainy week, but the sun came out in time for the homecoming parade. This parade is never very long, but the crowd turnout was as plentiful as the Water Festival parade. The weather was autumn-perfect, and the Three Rivers Wildcats did their best to win the football game. But Paw Paw came to Three Rivers with the intention of putting a damper on our homecoming. Paw Paw won the game but didn’t break our Wildcat spirit.

One might think that, when the summer season is over, community activities would come to a screeching halt, or at least slow down a bit. Quite the contrary. Activities don’t cease, they just change a little. The autumn season is probably one of my favorites. Here in Michigan, we have fantastic colors. The outside temperature doesn’t get extremely hot or cold, but just a little crisp. A sweater or sweatshirt feels pretty good, and an evening campfire is a perfect finale to a busy day. Hot dogs or S’mores cooked over a campfire just add to it all. October and November are probably the last two months when you can still spend a lot of time outdoors. The Scidmore Park Petting Zoo invites everyone to a community party this Saturday, October 8, from 1 to 4 P.M. This outdoor event is a celebration to promote the petting zoo and to thank all those who help support the zoo this year. Take the family to Scidmore Park and watch a presentation on Birds of Prey. There will be plenty of activities for everyone, including pony rides for the children. Did I mention that all activities are FREE? It just doesn’t get any better than this.

If you can’t wait for the weekend, you can take the family south to Constantine tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5. From 4 to 6 P.M. at Rotary Park, 165 North Washington in Constantine, you may select a pumpkin, paint it, and then take it home. You will have accomplished two things at one time. You will have purchased your Halloween pumpkin, and decorated it, and avoided a mess at home.

You don’t have much time, so don’t procrastinate on this one. The Carnegie Center for the Arts is offering adult classes for water color. This eight-week class begins this Saturday, October 8, and will run through Saturday, November 26. The class offers instruction for the novice to advanced students. The tuition of $80 doesn’t include the needed supplies. The Carnegie Center is located at 107 North Main Street in historic downtown Three Rivers. To register for this class, you may stop in, or phone the Carnegie at (269)273-8882.

I’ve had the opportunity to receive feedback from some of you readers. It seems that the majority of you enjoy the trivial items I sometimes include. It’s always nice when you can put the newspaper down with a smile or a chuckle. Here, thanks to my buddy Vic, are a couple of quotations that hopefully will do just that:

“If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.”

“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.”

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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