Out and About – Week of November 7th

By now, you have realized that last Saturday night was the time that we all set our clocks back one hour. The official time to do this was at 2 A.M. last Sunday morning, but at 2 A.M. on any Sunday morning I will have usually been sleeping for at least four hours. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the extra hour of sleep you should have received. I know I did.

Next Friday, November 11, is Veterans Day. My hope would be that sometime during Friday, everyone pause for a few moments to reflect on this special day, and how important it is to never forget the veterans of our Armed Forces. Whenever you see a veteran, thank her/him for serving. You should do this everyday. You’d be amazed how wonderful this makes you feel.

Did you remember to vote today? Today is Tuesday, November 8, and your vote is needed to select a mayor and city commissioners. There are also two items on the ballot that need your vote, whether it be yay or nay. Your vote is truly needed. I remember an election when a city commissioner won by just one vote. It doesn’t cost you anything to vote, but it could cost you dearly if you don’t cast your ballot. Remember, the St. Joseph County Transportation Authority provides FREE transportation to and from your polling place. To call for a ride, call (269)273-7808, and also remember that “Everyone Can Ride”.

There are a few of you who already have your Christmas shopping done. I commend you for not being procrastinators. The rest of us might want to consider paying a visit to Mendon, a nice little community that puts on a very entertaining showboat every year. That’s beside the point. Mendon’s United Methodist Church is hosting their annual Holiday Bazaar this Friday and Saturday, November 11 and 12. Friday’s hours are from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M., and Saturday, they will welcome you from 8 A.M. until noon. There will be plenty of holiday and gift items, homemade cookies, crafts, baked goods, and some unique white elephant items. One of the highlights on Friday will be a Baked Potato Bar, where you may purchase a hot baked potato for only $1. If you’re a bargain fan, then you might want to stop by Saturday morning, because from 8 until 10:30, you can purchase a cinnamon roll and beverage for just $2.

The Three Rivers Health Auxiliary will hold a bazaar this Friday and Saturday also. The hours for Friday, November 11, are from 7A.M. until 6 P.M., and Saturday, November 12, they will be open from 8 A.M. until 2 P.M. The hospital lobby will be full of homemade crafts, jewelry and various gift items. There will also be a bake sale and some grab bags. If you’re the adventurous type, there will also be a raffle with prizes. Even the snack bar is getting into the act. For breakfast on Friday, they will have fresh biscuits and gravy, and for lunch, you can enjoy some hot soup and a barbeque chicken sandwich. I visit the snack bar frequently, and you’d be surprised how economical a visit can be.

As if there isn’t enough to do in the Three Rivers community this week, the Riviera Theatre in historic downtown Three Rivers always has something for everyone. If you have an interest in opera, you’ll want to make arrangements to see Tosca. You have two choices of dates and times: Sunday, November 13, at 3 P.M., or Tuesday, November 15, at 6 P.M. Tickets are $16. This opera is presented in Italian with English subtitles. If your interest lies in country music, then an evening with Dewayne Spaw and Mandi Layne might be worth checking out. This country music duo will appear Saturday, November 19, at 9 P.M. You may purchase tickets in advance for $15, or pay $22 at the door. For tickets or more information, phone the Riviera at (269)278-8068, or visit their website at www.trriviera.com. Better yet, stop by the Riviera and pickup a brochure.with information on all the attractions for the month.

You still have over a week to plan your Thanksgiving holiday. Churches and other organizations will host FREE Thanksgiving dinners. Check with them to see if they can use a good volunteer. It’s good for the soul.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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