Out and About – Week of October 31st

Tuesday, November 8, is another opportunity for all of us to do our civic duty and go to the polls to cast our vote. One of the items on the ballot will be TR Health’s request to be a community owned 501-C-3 entity. I’ve talked with TR Health CEO Bill Russell and have also heard him give an informative presentation on this subject. An approval of this request, via the ballot, would not change anything about how the hospital operates. I feel that, by way of the media, I have become better informed and can make an informed decision when I enter the voting booth. I recommend that each of you do the same. I’m not asking you to vote a certain way, but I am asking you to get to the polls and vote. If you have no way of getting to the polls, please call the St. Joseph County Transportation Authority. Every election day the Authority provides FREE transportation to and from the voting places throughout St. Joe County. They can be reached at (269)273-7808.

Here are the final three hints that might save you from being taken advantage of:

Be careful what you throw away. Thieves can make good use of pre-approved credit card applications, old bills, expired credit cards, checking account deposit slips, and old loan applications. All of these things might contain vital information about you.

Be careful around ATM machines. If you see something that looks like it doesn’t belong on the ATM, or sticks out from the card slot, walk away. There might be a skimmer attached, which could capture your card information and PIN.

Be careful at the grocery store when counting your money and putting it away. There are many eyes watching you, and possibly a few dishonest people who think they should have your hard-earned money.

The Immaculate Conception Church, 637 South Douglas Avenue, Three Rivers will hold their Annual Holiday Bazaar next Saturday, November 5, from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. The bazaar will be held in the multi-purpose building next to the church. Booths will display arts and crafts, baked goods, white elephant items, toys, and a country store and cookie walk. Food will be available throughout the day.

The Constantine Rotary Club will host a Harlem Ambassadors Chili Lunch this Saturday, November 5, at noon, at the Constantine High School Cafeteria. The menu includes all-you-can-eat chili, salad, dessert, and a beverage. You get all of this for $6. Be sure to return at 7 P.M. for a basketball game between the Harlem Ambassadors and local officials and residents. After the game, you will be able to get autographs and team souvenirs. The cost for tickets is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets are available at the Constantine Village Office, Constantine schools, participating downtown businesses, and at the door. The proceeds will go to the Web Carlson Scholarship Fund.

The Three Rivers Lions Club will start selling their three-pound cans of gourmet nuts in early November. There are no peanuts included. The cans of nuts will make fantastic holiday gifts, and the price is only $20 per can. You can purchase them from any Lions member, or phone (269)279-7684. Proceeds go toward community projects in the Three Rivers area.

We had ourselves a very nice Indian Summer. For that we should be grateful. The word is out that we are in for a severe winter season. You’ve guessed correctly if you think I’m about to give my annual reminder about making sure your snow shovel and snow blower are ready for the next several months of unpredictable weather. You might want to check your pantry, and make sure that it is properly stocked. Most importantly, let your elderly neighbor know that you will be available should s/he need help.

Thanksgiving happens this month. If you can, set a couple of extra places at your Thanksgiving table. There are more than a few less fortunate individuals who would be more than happy to join you. There are also a few churches who are planning to offer free meals for those in need. The chances are good that they could use some help in serving.

See you Out and About!

(Submitted by Norm Stutesman)

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