Out and About – Week of December 26th

This will be my final column of 2011. I’m taking the rest of the year off and gathering my thoughts. It shouldn’t take me too long. As a matter of fact, I’ll have another column ready by next Tuesday.

Last Thursday was a special day for me. After my annual physical, my wife and I went out to celebrate the fact that last Thursday was not only the first official day of winter, but starting then, the days were getting longer. Not longer in hours, but in daylight. Life is good.

Now that Christmas has passed and the wrapping paper is in the trash, we can all start planning for the New Year’s celebration. If you are hosting a New Year’s Eve party, I commend you for doing so. Please see to it that your guests have a good time and leave with a designated driver, if they need one. To avoid having your neighbors complain about the noise, invite them to join you. Don’t forget that the Kalamazoo K-Wings will have a hockey game on New Year’s Eve. If you’re not planning to attend the game in Kalamazoo, you can always listen to WLKM-FM, 95.9, and listen to Mike Modugno give you the play-by-play.

The Immaculate Conception Church, 637 South Douglas, Three Rivers, will host an American Red Cross blood drive tomorrow, December 28, from 11:30 A.M. until 5:15 P.M. The thought of giving blood isn’t something that people think about until they are the one in need of a few pints. I can’t remember when the St. Joseph County Blood Bank ever had enough blood. Wouldn’t it be great if they never needed to have blood drives?

American Legion Post 170 will hold a New Year’s Eve party at their post, 59990 South Main Street, Three Rivers. The festivities begin at 8 P.M. and continue into 2012 until 2 A.M., January 1. The Foolish Heart Band will provide the music, and the American Legion will provide party favors, food, raffles, and room to trip the light fantastic. Champagne and shrimp will be served at midnight to help welcome in the new year. The price for all of this is only $10 per person. What a great way to welcome in 2012!

I told you that I’d keep you informed, so here’s more information about the upcoming Three Rivers Community Players production of Needs Garlic. You already should know that auditions for this comedy are set for January 2 and 3 at the Players’ Theatre on Millard Road, directly behind Dairy Queen. Auditions will start promptly at 7P.M., and parts are available for both men and women, high school age and older. Because of the production schedule, rehearsals will start right away on Wednesday, January 4. Performance dates are February 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 19. Perhaps you aren’t interested in performing on stage. That’s okay, because the Players are always in need of people to work set construction, stage crew, ushers, and box office. Plan to attend auditions and let Director Shannon Piper know what you can do and how you would like to help out. Be sure to check this column every week for more information.

Senior citizens needing information on homecare services are invited to attend a Senior Coffee Hour at L.A.’s Coffee Cafe on Wednesday, January 28, from 9 until 10 A.M. The coffee hour will be hosted by Absolute Homecare and Medical Staffing. If you’ve never visited L.A.’s Coffee Cafe, this would be the perfect opportunity to do so.

Critter Care is a holiday tradition at the Petting Zoo, located inside Scidmore Park at the intersection of West Michigan Avenue and Spring Street in Three Rivers. If you’re interested in sponsoring an animal at the Petting Zoo, check out their website at cponypalomine@aol.com. You can also stop by City Hall and find out how to contact Clarissa Myers, Zookeeper.

A reminder that the Commission on Aging will be closed Friday, December 30, and Monday, January 2, for New Year’s. They will also be closed Monday, January 16, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

As 2011 draws to a close, I’d like to thank everyone for their kind words concerning this column. This is definitely a work of love, and I thank you for joining me as we continue to get Out and About.

A prosperous New Year to each and every one of you!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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