Out and About – Week of January 23rd

When I was a kid growing up in Three Rivers, there weren’t any fast-food restaurants. I’m sure a lot of you remember Lee’s Ice Cream on the corner of West Michigan and Lincoln Avenues, but that was about it. There were quite a few coffee shops in the area, but because of “progress”, they slowly faded away. If you wanted to eat out economically, the chances are you’d take the family to the Dairy Bar, over in second ward. The food was good, the place was clean, and the service was quick and friendly. The restaurant is still there, although it is now known as “Mr. B’s Dairy Bar”. The restaurant closed for a couple of weeks, right after the first of the year, and they did some extensive remodeling. Their lighting is new, they have a new drop-ceiling, they’ve done some painting, and they’ve even done some work on the Unisex restroom. Now, I’m not a restaurant critic, and I’m not trying to give Mr. B’s some free advertising, but I think that visiting the restaurant is well worth your time. It’s one of those places where you can stop by around 5 P.M. and see the regulars discussing the world situation and enjoying a nice cup of coffee or the special of the day. There is one thing that Mr. B didn’t change, and I thank him for that. The service and the food will have you leaving full and happy. Thank you, Mr. B.

If you’ll check my column from a couple of weeks ago, you’ll see that the Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has agreed to participate in a “Snowman Making” contest. They will compete with four other communities to build the most snowmen in a two-hour time frame. This takes place this Saturday, January 28, from noon to 2 P.M., at Scidmore Park, near the old hospital. The winning community will hold the traveling “Frosty” trophy for one year. Besides building snowmen, there will be other activities, including sledding and the petting zoo. Refreshments will be available, including hot cocoa, coffee, baked goods, and chili. The DDA needs ten teams of five people for the actual building of the snowmen. Phone (269)278-8193 for more information. If the weather holds true, this should be an ideal family activity.

Absolute Home Care and Medical Staffing is sponsoring another Senior Coffee Hour this Wednesday, January 25, at L.A.’s Coffee Cafe, 145 West Michigan Avenue, in Three Rivers. Hot coffee and health information will be shared from 9 to 10 A.M. Besides free coffee, there will also be door prizes and other giveaways.

Every year at this time, most of us our gathering our receipts and other important papers in preparation for dealing with the IRS. This can be a very stressful time, but it doesn’t need to be that way. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program has a program that will provide those households with an annual income of $50,000 or less with free income tax preparation. This program will be held at Community Action Head Start, 1000 East Broadway Avenue, in Three Rivers, on Wednesday, January 25, from 10 to 11 A.M. To make an appointment, phone 1-877-422-2726.

I’m not sure if the lakes are frozen over enough yet to do any fishing here in the Three Rivers area, but if you enjoy eating fish, you need not wait any longer. Our lakes and rivers don’t contain any ocean perch, but that particular delicacy will be available this Friday, January 27, from 5:30 to 8 P.M. at the American Legion in Colon. You guessed it: it’s an all-you-can-eat fish fry, and the cost for adults is only $8, and if you’re a child between the ages of five and twelve, your cost is only $4. If you’d rather eat at home, carryouts will be available after 6 P.M., as long as fish is available. Gather the family and take along some friends for an evening of good conversation and sole food.

I’d like to close with a few quotes from a 90-year old columnist from Cleveland, Ohio.

If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

It’s okay to let your children see you cry.

When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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