Out and About – Week of January 2nd

Welcome to 2012. I’m pretty sure most of us are sitting on pins and needles waiting to see what Mother Nature has in store for us. Judging from the predictions I’ve heard, our winter weather will arrive late and then hit us with a vengeance. I’m happy with what we’ve had so far and wouldn’t mind if it would continue this way for the next four or five months. Of course, this would mean that I probably wouldn’t be able to use the new sled I received for Christmas, but I can live with that. I am prepared, however, for whatever comes our way. I have plenty of gasoline for the snow blower, and my wife is anxious to learn how to operate the monster of the driveway.

Getting Out and About might take a bit more preparation. There’s plenty to do in and around Three Rivers, but the weather will have a big effect as to how far away from our comfort zone we should venture. Vicksburg isn’t too far, and with good roads, you can get there in thirty or forty minutes. If you enjoy Bingo, Absolute Homecare and Medical Staffing will host “Recipe Bingo” tomorrow, Wednesday, January 4, from 11:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. at South County Community Services on Main Street in Vicksburg. Sort of a different type of Bingo, because you can win groceries. The big bonus is that it’s FREE.

The Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) is starting 2012 right by having two fundraisers this month. The first is Saturday, January 14, at the TSC store near the intersection of US-131 and West Michigan Avenue in Three Rivers. From 9 A.M. until 3 P.M., they will offer their ARF Toenail Clinic, and the cost is simply a donation. Trimming your dog’s toenails can be a difficult task, so this would be a good time to have someone more experienced do the chore.

The following Saturday, January 21, ARF will sponsor a pancake breakfast at Trinity Episcopal Church, 321 North Main Street, Three Rivers. The all-you-can-eat breakfast will be served from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M., and the menu will consist of pancakes, sausage, orange juice, and coffee. The cost is very affordable at $5 for adults and $2 for children ages 10 and younger.

This is the time of the year when many make resolutions with hopes of bettering themselves. We might hold true to one of the resolutions, but the chances are that they will all be forgotten before the end of January. One of the more popular resolutions is to lose weight or to get more exercise. For you seniors, here’s a helpful solution: join your friends for an hour of fun and exercise at the Three Rivers Commission on Aging, also known as the Senior Center, 103 South Douglas in Three Rivers. Every Wednesday, from 5 to 6 P.M., you can Hula-Hoop to music in a structured exercise program. Specialty hoops will be provided. A donation of $2 per session is suggested. Renee Welch and Beth Ridge are the instructors. More information can be obtained by phoning the COA at (269)279-8083.

No matter where you live, you can never be too careful when venturing Out and About. Staying healthy and fit is important, and if you know a little about self-defense, that would be a bonus. A self-defense class, with certified instructor Janice Whitney, will be held at the Three Rivers Senior Center on Tuesday, January 17, starting at 11 A.M. The cost for senior citizens is $2 per class, and if you’re under the age of 60, the cost is $10. A minimum of 5 students is needed for the class. Again, for more information, or to register for the class, contact the Commission on Aging at the number listed above.

If you are a fan of Celtic music, Whiskey Before Breakfast will perform at the Riviera Theatre in historic downtown Three Rivers this Friday, January 6, at 9 P.M. They have performed at the Riviera before, so if you’ve attended a performance, you’ll definitely want to return. If you’ve never seen them, or heard of their music, this would be an excellent opportunity to check them out. Their approach to the Celtic style of music is clear and simple. There is a $3 suggested cover charge for this performance.

February 5 is Super Bowl Sunday. The Riviera’s big screen will show every touchdown, fumble, and quarterback sack. Everyone has the opportunity to see Super Bowl XLVI live in high definition on the big screen. The best part is that admission is FREE.

2012 can be as good a year as you want to make it. The choice is yours. Let’s all try to get Out and About more this year than we did in 2011.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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