Out and About – Week of January 9th

“Pay it Forward” and “A Random act of Kindness”. These are two phrases worth some serious thought and action. These phrases can be better defined as doing something for someone without expecting anything in return. An example might be paying for someone’s cup of coffee or breakfast anonymously. I have experienced this from both sides. It’s very nice to be on the receiving end of this act, but much more rewarding to be on the giving end. If you think about it, how much better would the world be, if more people paid it forward? Try paying it forward sometime. I guarantee you’ll feel better about yourself.

It’s been rather quiet since the holidays found their way into the history books. If you’re looking for something to do, stop by the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce. They have racks of brochures filled with ideas of what to do here in the Three Rivers area. The Chamber office is located at 57 North Main Street, in the historic downtown area. After visiting the Chamber office, check out the many shops that are available on both sides of Main Street.

The Carnegie Center for the Arts, 107 North Main Street in Three Rivers, is in the process of setting up the 2012 Regional Juried Arts Competition exhibit. An opening reception will be held Sunday, January 22, from 2 until 4 P.M. An awards presentation will take place at 3 P.M. Everyone is invited to become a Juror and cast their vote for the People’s Choice Award. The Juried Arts Exhibit runs until Wednesday, February 22 at 5 P.M. The Carnegie is closed on Monday, but you may stop in Tuesday through Friday until 5 P.M. and speak to Donna Grubbs or any member of the staff concerning any of the exhibits on display or one of the many classes offered by the Carnegie.

This Friday, January 13, Eric Raby and Nate Scott, from Grand Rapids, will perform “Poor Ol’ Jim” at the Riviera Theatre in Three Rivers. This performance will be reminiscent of 1950s to 1970s folk, pop, and country music, all performed with a modern twist, and with a focus on narrative through lyricism. The stage lights go up at 9 P.M., and if you listened with your eyes closed, you’d be convinced that there were more than just two people performing. There is a $3 suggested cover for this performance.

Proof of the fact that the Riviera Theatre always has something for everyone, Saraph returns to the Riviera stage with one performance Saturday, January 14, at 6 P.M. They have been here before and have been well received. Whether you’re young or old, Saraph has music that will make you want more. Tickets are $10, and can be purchased in advance or at the door. Visit the Riviera website at www.trriviera.com.

With the weather we’ve been having, it’s hard to imagine a snowman making contest, but that’s exactly what is going to happen. We have plenty of time for a snowstorm, so the Three Rivers Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has agreed to participate in a “Snowman Making” contest. They will compete with four other communities to build the most snowmen in a two-hour time frame. This all takes place Saturday, January 28, from noon to 2 P.M., at Scidmore Park, near the old hospital. The winning community will hold the traveling “Frosty” trophy for one year. Besides building snowmen, there will be other activities, including sledding and the petting zoo. Refreshments will, of course, be available, including hot cocoa, coffee, baked goods, and chili. The DDA needs ten teams of five people for the actual building of the snowmen. Phone (269)278-8193 for more information. To be politically correct, I must amend part of this paragraph. Snowpeople will be made, not snowmen.

I want to remind everyone of the Animal Rescue Fund’s (ARF) fundraiser, this Saturday, January 14, at the TSC store north of the intersection of West Michigan Avenue and US-131. A Toenail Clinic will be held from 9 A.M. until 3 P.M. This is for dog owners who would like to have their pets’ toenails trimmed. Pet owners, please leave your shoes and socks on. Human pedicures will not be provided. The cost for this loving act is a donation to ARF.

See you Out and About!

(submitted by Norm Stutesman)

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