Out and About – Week of February 20th

Trinity Episcopal Church, 321 North Main Street, Three Rivers, is hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper this evening (Tuesday, February 21)  at the church’s fellowship hall from 5 to 7. Pancakes, sausage, apple sauce, and a beverage will be served. Tickets may be purchased at the door. The cost for adults is $5, children $2, and if you have three or more children, the cost is only $5. This is an excellent opportunity to take the family out to dinner and have breakfast at a very reasonable price.

The American Red Cross will host a blood drive at the JOCO Center, 805 Wood Street, Three Rivers, Wednesday, February 22. The drive will run from 11:30 A.M. until 5:15 P.M. Remember, it is better to give than to receive.

This Saturday, February 25, can be a very busy day. There are many events to choose from, depending on your interests. There’s a little something for everyone. Check them out:

Three Rivers Little League sign-ups will be held at The Cage, 320 Enterprise Drive, Three Rivers. Sign-ups begin at 8 A.M. and will run until 1 P.M. Future major leaguers must take with them a copy of their birth certificate, their shirt size, a doctor’s name and phone number, and the name of an emergency contact person and her/his phone number. The cost is $70 for one child, $60 for the second, and $50 for a third. The maximum cost per family is $180.00.

The Daughters of Mary of The Immaculate Conception Church, 601 South Douglas, Three Rivers, will host their Third Annual Scrapbook/Craft Day. The venue is the church’s multi-purpose building. If you’re a scrap booker or enjoy crafts, attending this workshop would be a great way to spend your Saturday. The cost of $30 includes meals, goody bags, valet service, and door prizes. Area vendors will be on site. All proceeds will benefit the church’s youth group. If you have questions, Elaine has the answers. She can be reached at (269)273-9259.

The St. Joseph County Grange Fair Grounds in Centreville will host the 27th Annual Walk for Warmth on this day. The walk begins at 9 A.M., and everyone is invited to participate. Attendees will have the opportunity to win door prizes, eat healthy snacks, and socialize. Centreville is only about six miles east of Three Rivers, and you don’t need to walk until you get there.

Up-Cycled Pets would like to help everyone Adopt-A-Friend this Saturday at the TSC store, located north of the US-131 and West Michigan Avenue intersection in Three Rivers. Some pets will be available from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M., and they are all interested in finding a loving family in need of a four-legged friend. More information may be obtained from Lee Ann Farmer. Her phone number is (269)816-4465.

Last, but far from least, the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce will host their Tenth Annual Ice Breaker Auction at Belle Epoque (formerly A Place in Time), beginning at 7 P.M. Advance ticket purchases only, and they can be obtained at the Chamber of Commerce, 57 North Main Street, in historic downtown Three Rivers.

There you have five events for next Saturday. I’m sure there are other events that I am not aware of, so check with the Riviera Theatre, for instance. They always have something going on just about every evening of the week.

Keep in mind that Trinity Episcopal Church, 321 North Main Street, in Three Rivers offers a FREE “Soup Pot” every Tuesday and Thursday, from 4 to 5:30 P.M. If you have some extra cash, they will graciously accept a donation.

Please remember to do all of us drivers a favor. If it’s snowing during daylight hours, please turn on your headlights. You might be able to see just fine, but we cannot see you. Let’s not meet by accident.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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