Out and About – Week of February 13th

A very Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. May each of you let your loved ones know just how much they mean to you. If you love them, let them know. It’s especially important to let your children know just how important they are to you. If there are any teenagers reading this, it’s okay to tell your parents that you really do love them. If you’ve forgotten to order flowers, or pick up a greeting card, it’s never too late for that.

This Saturday, February 18, the Ninth Street United Methodist Church will host their annual Swiss Steak Dinner from 5 to 7 P.M. The cost for adults is $8, and children under age 12 will pay $5. Take-outs will be available. The church is located at 700 Ninth Street in Three Rivers.

The Center Park United Methodist Church, located on Moorepark Road, north of Three Rivers, is collecting clothing and shoes for a family in need. There are eight children ranging in age from two to twelve years old, and there are two adults. If you can assist this family, phone Rhonda Bringman at (269)207-6566, and she’ll arrange for pick up or delivery.

This Wednesday, February 15, is the final day for submission of nominations for this year’s Lions Club Citizen of the Year. The nomination should explain why the nominee is deserving of the recognition. Nominations will be received at 620 Pine Street, c/o Bruce Snook, Three Rivers. The Citizen of the Year banquet will be held in early spring.

This weekend is the final weekend for the Three Rivers Community Players production of Needs Garlic. Friday and Saturday, February 17 and 18, curtain times are 8 P.M. The Sunday, February 19 matinee starts promptly at 2 P.M. The cost for adult tickets is $15, and senior citizen and student tickets are $13. You can purchase tickets online by going to the Players’ website at www.trcommunityplayers.org. Tickets will also be available at the door.

This is the time of the year when the Oscars are on some of our minds. The Riviera Theatre knows this, and is making available the opportunity to see some of the nominees for Oscar Shorts in Animation and Live Action. The Animation Shorts will be shown February 15, 16, and 17 at 6 P.M.; February 18 and 19 at 3:15 P.M.; February 22, 23, and 24 at 7 P.M.; and February 25 at 3 and 7 P.M. The Live Action Shorts dates and times are: February 15, 16, and 17 at 8 P.M.; February 18 and 19 at 1 P.M.; February 22, 23, and 24 at 8:45 P.M.; and February 25 at 4:45 and 8:45 P.M. By checking these listings, you can note that you can see just about everything in one day. For more information, please phone the Riviera at (269)278-8068, or visit their website at www.trriviera.com.

The Riviera Theatre will also be the venue for a Water Festival fundraiser, Saturday, March 10, at 7:30 P.M. Entertainment will be provided by THUMMp, formerly elmo THUMM, an a Cappella group. Proceeds will be split between this year’s Water Festival, the Riviera Theatre, and THUMMp.

“Pizza For Paws”, an annual Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) fundraiser, will be held Saturday, March 3, at the Country Table restaurant in White Pigeon, from 4 until 7 P.M. The cost for this all-you-can-eat feast is $10 for adults and $8 for kids age 12 and younger. The feast includes pizza and soft drinks, but it does not include gratuities. The Country Table is located on the north side of US-12, just east of the Michigan State Police post at the intersection of US-131 and US-12.

Line Dancing is not just for the younger generation. As a matter of fact, the Three Rivers Senior Center, 103 South Douglas, in Three Rivers, is offering instruction in this fun style of dancing. Not only is Line Dancing fun, but it’s also a great form of exercise. Richard Leeth is the instructor in this class, which meets every Monday from 1 until 2 P.M. Richard needs a minimum of five participants in order to have the class, and the suggested donation is $3 per class. To register, or receive more information, phone the Senior Center at (269)279-8083 or 1-800-641-9899.

My question of the week is: What disease did cured ham actually have?

Have a great week, and I’ll see you Out and About.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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