Out and About – Week of February 6th

Rocky Evans will sign copies of his book “TRUTH” at Lowry’s Books & More on Saturday, February 11, from 11 A.M. until 1:30 P.M.

Rocky was born and raised here in Three Rivers and is a renowned skydiver. He experienced his first parachute jump in May 1970, and excelled to the level of achieving World Championship Skydiving awards three times. He was also an integral part of the team that pioneered the Accelerated Free Fall skydiving training technique. The AFF training technique has been implemented all over the world, and included students such as former President George Bush, Sr., Matthew Modine, and Tom Cruise. In 1985, Rocky was recruited by the BBC to be part of a team on a documentary for NOVA entitled “Skydive Into the Rain Forest”. Adding to his memorable experiences, Rocky skydived tandem with a 67-year old woman onto the North Pole in 1996. He has at least 8300 jumps to his credit.

This son of a Three Rivers police officer has lived a very exciting life. His book is worth reading, and Rocky is definitely someone you should meet. I’m looking forward to seeing him again and talking about life 50 years ago.

Also on Saturday, February 11, St. John’s Lutheran Church will host an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner from 5 to 7:30 P.M. The dinner includes salad, garlic bread and a beverage. The cost for adults is $7, children ages four through 12 pay just $3.50, and children under the age of four eat for FREE. St. John’s is located on Buckhorn Road, just north of Three Rivers.

The Three Rivers Community Players’ production Needs Garlic opens this Friday, February 10, at the Players Theatre on Millard Road, directly behind Dairy Queen, in Three Rivers. Written and directed by TRCP’s own Shannon Piper, Needs Garlic is another of Shannon’s comedies that will have you laughing until tears roll down your cheeks. Show dates are February 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 19, with Friday and Saturday curtain times set for 8 P.M. The two Sunday matinees start promptly at 2 P.M. Tickets will be available at the door, but if history repeats itself, it is best to purchase tickets in advance. Tickets are available online by visiting the Players’ website: www.trcommunityplayers.com. Tickets are also available for purchase at Beam Sound & Video, located on West Michigan Avenue, Three Rivers.

A familiar, but true, phrase that we hear much too often is, “during these tough economic times.” It is my hope that someday that phrase will be only read in the history books. Until then, we have events and resources that help us all. The Emergency Care Network (ECN) is one such resource. Located on Railroad Drive, directly under Lowry’s Books & More, this facility is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 A.M. until noon. Everyone is invited to stop in and see how they can be of assistance.

An event that also happens every Tuesday and Thursday is the “Soup Pot”. Trinity Episcopal Church, 321 North Main Street, Three Rivers, hosts this event from 4 until 5:30 P.M. The soup is FREE; however, donations are graciously accepted.

Next Tuesday, February 14, is Valentine’s Day. Yes, many of you believe that it’s just another day invented by the makers of greeting cards. You may be right, but it does serve a purpose. It is a day that is set aside for all of us to remember those we love and are dear to us. Personally, I feel that we should do this every day. Whether you buy your loved one a box of chocolates, or just a simple greeting card, it’s the thought that counts. I am very fortunate when it comes to those “greeting card” days. I’m not only reminded that my wife loves me, but we have a very talented cat who also sends me a greeting. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

We’ve been experiencing a very weird winter. One day the temps are in the fifties and it’s sunny, and the next day we’re experiencing temps in the twenties with blowing snow. Please remember, when driving in blowing snow, to turn your headlights on. You might be able to see where you’re going, but other drivers probably cannot see you coming. It’s not a good idea to meet other drivers by accident.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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