Generate Sturgis has a winner

The first of a series of “Generate Sturgis” forums this week resulted in a group of five finalists from a field of 31 presenting valid business ideas for the city.

Staged Tuesday at Sturges-Young Auditorium, the event was the result of a recently created, business-advocate group called Generate Sturgis.

The top idea, according to a panel of five judges, was proposed by Sturgis resident T.J. Cline, who suggested a go-cart race track venue inside an abandoned building large enough to accommodate the concept.

Cline, whose idea received the highest marks from judges, pocketed $1,500 for his idea. He said the venue could stage competitive races and feature a retail side that sells go-cart accessories and parts.

Second place went to Casey Walker of Mendon, who proposed a bacon-themed restaurant.

Walker said bacon is one of the rare foods that is common to all three daily meals. Walker, a Colon native who said he is an experienced cook, noted Sturgis still finds itself in need of a niche restaurant.

The next business-idea contest is June 14.

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