Out and About – Week of April 23rd

She was born Alice Suzette Warner. Professionally, she was A. Suzette Warner, but, to her friends, she was just Suzy. Everyone knew her from her years at Three Rivers Community Schools and, when she finally retired, she was known to be the go-to-person when you needed historical information about the high school or anything to do with the city of Three Rivers. I’d see Suzy at a local restaurant, and we’d talk about those years when life seemed simpler and everyone had a little more respect for one another. Suzy passed away this last weekend on her birthday. Another TR icon has left us. I wish I had told her just how much I appreciated her friendship. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure she knows. Suzy, you were quite a gal, and it was an honor to have known you. Rest in Peace.

Kudos to those volunteers who have been picking up the trash along the shoulders of Michigan highways the past two weeks. It’s all part of the “Adopt A Highway” program throughout the state. They’ll do it again in a couple of months. This act of volunteerism is made necessary by those irresponsible drivers and passengers who think the roadside is their own personal garbage can. If you are one of those individuals who constantly litter the landscape, shame on you. May you someday share a toothbrush with a camel.

Here’s something for all of you salad lovers. Once again, the Ninth Street United Methodist Church, 700 Ninth Street, Three Rivers, will hold an all-you-can-eat “Spring Salad Supper”, this Saturday, April 28, from 5 until 7 P.M. Not only will they have salads, but there will be assorted casseroles, some hot dishes, dessert, and, of course, a beverage. The cost for adults is $8, and it’s only $4 for children. It’s time to start eating healthier, and the Ninth Street United Methodist Church, makes it possible to do so as a family.

The weather is slowly warming up, but to make sure everyone gets a warm meal, Trinity Episcopal Church, 321 North Main, Three Rivers, still offers their FREE Soup Pot every Tuesday and Thursday, from 4 until 5:30 P.M. Donations are always graciously accepted.

It’s still a week or so away, but you’ll want to make note of the 28th Annual Michiana Antique Engine and Tractor Swap Meet coming up Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5. Once again, this annual event will be held at the Boot Hill Ranch, one and one-half miles east of Jones, on Bair Lake Street. If you are a vendor, the set-up fee is $15, which includes primitive camping, and NO electricity. There were 129 vendors last year. Gates will open at noon on Wednesday, May 2. Take the family and don’t forget your appetite, because food is always available. Thanks to The Kalamazoo Valley Old Engine and Machinery Club, Scotts Olde Tyme Power and Equipment Association, and The St. Joe Valley Old Engine Association, for making this fun event possible. If this is a must-attend event for you, you’ll be glad to know that admission is still $1. If you’d like more information, please call Steve Ammer at (269)651-8478 or Brenda Bickel at (269)435-8288.

How are your toenails? If they could use some attention, see a pedicurist. How are your dog’s toenails? If they could use some attention, you’ll be happy to know that the Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) will hold another toenail clinic Saturday, May 5, from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M., at the Three Rivers TSC store on US-131, just north of Westland Shopping Plaza. Your dog deserves to have nice toenails, and the cost is only a donation to ARF.

If you had an emergency and required an ambulance, would the paramedics be able to find your address? This can really be a problem if you reside in the country. No need to worry, because the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department is selling 911 mailbox signs. The cost is only $15.50, and the proceeds are used by the Explorer Scout Post. This is something we don’t usually think about until it’s too late. Call or visit the Sheriff’s Department in Centreville and get this issue resolved. $15.50 is a small price to pay if a loved one’s life is at stake. 

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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