Out and About – Week of April 30th

When I think of spring cleaning, I can’t help but think of the Mendon “Dust Off”. The 49th Annual Old Car Dust Off happens next Sunday, May 6, from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M., at the Mendon High School parking lot, located at the intersection of North Nottawa Street and Kirby Road in Mendon. It will be a perfect opportunity for the kids to see cars made of steel, not plastic. The event starts off with a Kiwanis-sponsored breakfast in the high school cafeteria from 7:30 to 10:30 A.M. If you can’t attend the breakfast, no worries; food, drinks, and snacks will be available at a variety of concession stands. Public admission is a $3 donation at the gate. Children 12 and under will be admitted FREE.

If you are a vendor, 10′ x 20′ spaces are available for $15 each. You’ll want to reserve early to insure availability. Gates will open for early set-up Saturday afternoon from 3 to 6 P.M., and then again Sunday morning at 7 A.M. Primitive camping will be allowed on the grounds at no charge for vendors only. For vendor space, send a $15 check payable to the Three Rivers C.A.R. Club, P.O. Box 345, Three Rivers, MI 49093.

The show grounds will be supervised by the Three Rivers Classic and Antique Restorers Club. There will be no bicycles, skateboards, or alcohol permitted on the grounds. The club welcomes new members. For more information, call Dan or Ellen Mourey at (269)273-3535.

We are fortunate here in Three Rivers to have a Hospice group. Hospice is made up of volunteers who are there to help during one of life’s most difficult times, the time of passing from life into eternity. Three Rivers Health Homecare and Hospice is in need of volunteers to help make a difference in the lives of others. Each volunteer is trained to support hospice patients and their families. Hospice volunteers are a very special group of people. During one of life’s most challenging times, Hospice is there. If this is something you might be interested in, please contact the Hospice Volunteer Coordinator at (269)278-6108.

High school graduation is just around the corner. Each spring, Three Rivers Community Schools honors those seniors who will graduate with honor. The 54th Annual Three Rivers High School Senior Honors Night is this Wednesday, May 2 at Three Rivers High School. Dinner will be served in the cafeteria at 6 P.M. The ten-dollar tickets may be purchased at the door. The evening’s program will begin at 7 P.M. in the Performing Arts Center. Father William Jacobs, from Benton Harbor, will be the featured speaker.

I’ve mentioned my buddy Vic in the past. He’s my source for trivia, facts, and figures. Vic was a biology professor at one time, so I was not surprised to hear that he is really into frogs. Those who spend time outdoors recognize how the population of our native frogs is being reduced. Thanks to Vic, Three Rivers has been offering activities to provide information and promote awareness. From May 1 through May 31, the Three Rivers Community Center will host a Frog Art Show. All of the artwork has been done by sixth grade students in Cork Babcock’s Three Rivers Middle School art classes. The acrylic paintings on display support the concept that frogs worldwide are endangered and are in need of protection. You can witness the students’ concern about this by the way it is portrayed in their artwork. You may visit the exhibit Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. – 4 P.M. through May 31.

The Three Rivers Community Center is located at 103 South Douglas Avenue, Three Rivers.

While on the subject of painting, and the Senior Center, Peg Connelly will conduct a Painters’ Workshop at the Center the next four Mondays, May 7, 14, 21, and June 4, from 1 until 4 P.M. The cost for the workshop is $10 per session, and all materials will be supplied. They need a minimum of three people per session. Please call the Commission on Aging to register. Phone number: (269)279-8083.

Using a pen and make a mistake? Take the outside of a cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing. This also works great on crayons and markers that kids have used to decorate your walls.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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