Out and About – Week of January 28th

We are no longer experiencing temperatures in the forties and fifties. As a matter of fact, a 35 degree day would be more than welcome by most of us. I haven’t seen too many birds in the area for a week or two, and I can’t remember the last time I was bitten by a mosquito. We have been very fortunate this winter, compared to winters back in the day before snow blowers. This is Michigan and it is winter, so let’s all do the best we can to survive and enjoy.

We don’t need to concern ourselves with heat stroke, or getting sun burned, but we must take certain precautions in order to stay healthy and safe. We never know when the next storm is going to strike, so you might want to consider stocking up on a few things, just in case. Grocery stores could very easily run out of things like milk or bread during a winter storm. Why not purchase a box or two of evaporated or non-fat dry milk? Just add water, and voila, you have a source of Vitamin D. Do you have a bread maker, or frozen bread dough? It’s hard to beat the aroma of fresh-baked bread. If you have outside pets, make sure their water dish stays unfrozen, and they have plenty of shelter from the elements. Finally, make sure that your vehicle has plenty of fuel, and that you have a blanket or two, just in case you get stranded. Most importantly, don’t leave your common sense at home.

Next Monday, February 4, the American Red Cross will have a blood drive, hosted by the White Pigeon High School. The high school is located at 410 East Prairie Street, in White Pigeon. You may make your donation from 8AM until l:45 PM.

If Monday is busy for you, you’ll be happy to know that the Centreville United Methodist Church will also host a blood drive. Theirs takes place on Tuesday, February 5, from noon until 5:45PM. The church is located at 305 East Main Street, in Centreville, just east of Southern Michigan Bank and Trust. Every year, your heart pumps 2,625,000 pints of blood. Perhaps you can spare a pint or two.

If you’re a deer hunter, I’m pretty sure the season has passed. It you’re a bargain hunter, the season never ends. Proof of that can be found at Centsible Treasures’s Annual Basement Bag Sale this Friday and Saturday, February 1 and 2. Kim and her staff will be happy to serve you from 10AM to 5:30PM, both days. Centsible Treasures always has bargains, but for these two days, you may stuff a bag with your choice of items for only $4. Ask about their $3 bags, while you’re there. I remind you that the store does not have a play area, so if you take your children, please take along a friend to watch over them while you shop.

One of my favorite comfort foods during these cold, dark days of winter is a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup. This reminds me that Trinity Episcopal Church’s “Soup Pot” is available every Tuesday and Thursday, from 4 to 5:30PM. The Trinity Episcopal Church is located at 321 North Main Street, Three Rivers. Did I mention that the soup is FREE? They will, of course, graciously accept your donation. While there, please thank those volunteers that make the “Soup Pot” possible.

Our firefighters don’t respond to your calls just during warm weather. When the call comes in, they respond. Records show that they usually respond to an ambulance call in the Three Rivers area in around two minutes. If there’s a fire, in Three Rivers, they can be there in around three minutes. They could be sleeping, eating, or in training, it doesn’t matter. The call comes in, they go out. They are not thought of much, unless you need them. Perhaps the next time I order a pizza, I’ll pick up an extra one and drop it off at the Three Rivers Fire Department. It’s always appreciated.

Spring is still a ways off, but here’s something that might save you some money. In the spring, photograph your flowering bulbs, so that in the fall, you don’t waste money buying what you already have.

The University of Alaska spans four time zones. Now you know.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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