Out and About – Week of February 4th

On Sunday, January 27, the Three Rivers community lost another quiet volunteer. Daisy Wagner passed away. Daisy was a past Lions Club Citizen of the Year. The banquet honoring her was not as well attended as some others, and I’m sure the reason was that she just wasn’t as well-known as many other past recipients. She was rather low-key, and she wasn’t a big fan of “the spotlight”. She preferred spending her time serving others through the Emergency Care Network or having fun with the members of the St. Joseph County Old Engine Organization. She loved being around tractors, and she loved helping those in need. She was the best at doing what she so loved to do. We’ll all miss you, Miss Daisy.

My wife had spine surgery last month. Everything was successful, and she is well on the road to recovery. I became even more involved in her everyday activities immediately following the surgery. I didn’t realize how many things she does around the house. Now, I’ve done my share of laundry during my lifetime. I know about separating the whites from the darks, and I’m pretty confident about even the temperature settings. I’ve run a dishwasher or two, so even that wasn’t a problem. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and my wife’s way is a bit different than mine. I didn’t really appreciate this until I started caring for her at home and doing her share of the chores. She folds laundry differently than I do. Her way is better. When the dishwasher is finished, she adjusts some of the dishes so that the water drains off completely. She then seals the door of the dishwasher until everything has a chance to completely dry. She even does the cat’s food and water dishes. If you’ve never cared for a loved one who is temporarily physically disadvantaged, you’ll never appreciate how much they do without you knowing about it.

Shannon Michelle Piper is well on her way to becoming a well-known playwright and director. I’ve had the honor of being in one of her plays and under her direction. It was a lot of fun, and she has the patience of a saint. Her latest achievement is a play entitled $AN FRAN $ALE, and it opens this Friday, February 8, at the Players’ Theatre on Millard Road, directly behind Dairy Queen in Three Rivers. It’s a comedy that takes place in San Francisco during the Eighties. Performance dates are February 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, and 17. Please note that there is a special performance on Valentines’ Day, Thursday, February 14. All performances are at 8PM, except for the two Sunday matinees, when the curtain rises at 2PM. If you’ve never been to the Players’ Theatre and have never witnessed a production by the Three Rivers Community Players, this would be a great time to enjoy some of the great talent that exists right here in the Three Rivers community.

Three Rivers doesn’t have a real general store, a place where friends can gather, play a game of checkers, or solve problems a little faster than our representatives in Washington, D.C. Instead of a general store, we have a few coffee shops. This is where you’ll find the politician “wannabes” and the Monday morning quarterbacks. I’ve been retired for over a year now, and I still set my alarm clock, so that I can make it down to one of my favorite coffee houses, where I can join “the guys”. Scooter Bob normally is the first one there. He gets up at 5AM to do this, so I guess I’m not too crazy. Oxygen Bob shows up next, which explains why there is a shortage of Splenda by the time I arrive. On a typical day, you might see Harold, Jack Knife Bill,Waffle Dave, and Ice Tea Gordon, and every so often Hooker Mike might make an appearance. We laugh a lot and have a great time. We’re usually out the door by 9AM, except for Harold. He’s usually the last to arrive, and he sometimes gets involved in an interesting conversation, and then it’s time to order lunch. We might not have a general store in which to gather, but we do have a place where the coffee is always hot and the pot is never empty. Thank you, Leslie and Jerry, for providing a venue, and thank you, Aimee, for your patience. I’m glad to have Three Rivers as my hometown. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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