Out and About – Week of March 18th

I’m retired now, but someone once told me that, once you retire, you’ll be busier than you were while you were working. At this point in my life, I don’t have time to work a full-time job. My busy time usually runs from 9AM until around 4:30PM. As a result, I don’t watch any daytime television. During the winter, I might catch the noon news, just to see what the weather is doing. Anyway, there’s a TV show called “Deal or No Deal”. I’m not sure if it’s on during the day or in the evening, but I’ve never watched the program. I’m giving some serious thought about checking out “Deal or Eagle Deal”. This fundraiser hosted by Three Rivers Eagles #2303, happens this Saturday, March 23, from 5 to 8PM, at the Eagles Club, 715 East Hoffman Street, in Three Rivers. This is at the point where Hoffman Street meets M-60, east of town. The public is cordially invited to be there. The food starts at 5PM, with a menu consisting of salmon patties, fried potatoes, veggies, and dessert. All of this for $9. The game starts at 6PM; it costs only $5 to play, and someone will go home with $300. All of the money made from the game will go to charity.

You see me refer to a buddy of mine named Vic. He’s responsible for most of the trivia that I include in this column, and for that I’m grateful. Vic has this thing about frogs and is heavily involved in the “Save the Frogs” activities here in Three Rivers. The month of April will be filled with many activities concerning frogs. As a matter of fact, Mayor Tom Lowry will be declaring the whole month of April as “Save the Frogs Month” in Three Rivers. I’ll have more information as April draws closer.

I’m really getting excited about the arrival of spring. Setting the clocks ahead one hour, a week ago, really put me in a positive mood. At our “coffee club” meeting recently, we discussed the possibility of receiving any more measurable snow. We pretty much decided that it wasn’t time to run the snow blower out of gas yet, because this is March, and this is Michigan.

With the nicer weather becoming more common, there will be more people out walking and taking in the sights. Walking the dog will be easier and more fun. If you’re a dog-walker, don’t forget to take a plastic bag with you to clean up after Fido does his business. Here’s a great idea. Take an extra trash bag with you and when you see some litter, bend over, pick it up, and take it with you. You’ll add to your exercise regime by not only walking, but bending over from time to time. It’s a win-win, because you’ll be getting your exercise and helping to keep your neighborhood clean.

It won’t be long before the Saturday Farmers’ Market will be open again. Located in Scidmore Park, off West Michigan Avenue, it is a great place to purchase local produce. I didn’t get over there as much as I wanted to last year, but will definitely make an effort to do so this year. If you don’t like dealing with the middleman and store prices, the Farmers’ Market is the place to go. Local artists usually have their works on display also. We’re so fortunate to have a community like Three Rivers.

A favorite memory of mine is attending one of the concerts in the park, during the summer. The Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra has performed there many times, and it’s always been a pleasure to sit in the park and be entertained by such a fine group of musicians. It may not be in the park, but the First Presbyterian Church of Three Rivers will host the Kalamazoo Male Chorus next Sunday, March 24, at 4PM. The KMC will be celebrating its 86th concert season this year. They are one of the area’s oldest continuous performing ensembles, and they will be performing a broad range of music. Admission is FREE, but there will be a Freewell Offering. The First Presbyterian Church is located at 320 North Main Street, in Three Rivers.

Think about this during your time of meditation. Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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