Out and About – Week of March 25th

The one thing I enjoy about the winter months is that there aren’t very many mosquitos around. The same can be said for flies. There is nothing more annoying than to be eating a sandwich, and at the same time, swatting the flies away from your food. I’ve often commented about the need for those flying pests. The only thing I can think of is that they are food for frogs. You might also question the need for frogs. It’s simple. We need the frogs to keep the fly and mosquito population under control. I’m sure this all has something to do with the food chain. I tried frog legs once. Tasted a lot like chicken. If it tastes like chicken, why not just eat chicken?

To be honest, I’m not a big fan of frogs, but April has been declared “Save the Frogs! Month” by Mayor Tom Lowry. I like the mayor, so at least, for the month of April, I’ll like frogs, as long as I don’t have to pick one up and kiss it. I saw a movie starring Ray Milland in which he was attacked by frogs, and I’ve tried to avoid them ever since.

When I first heard about April being dedicated to frogs, I didn’t give it much thought. Then I found out that “Save The Frogs! Day” is part of an organized celebration that is expected to be observed in 300 communities in 40 countries this year. This is definitely something worth getting Out and About for here in Three Rivers. This special day will be celebrated at the Farmer’s Market pavilions in Scidmore Park, from 11AM to 2PM, on Saturday, April 27. I’m planning to be there, because there will be games, activities and information about frogs, drawings for the merchant’s prizes, and my favorite, FREE hot dogs from The Weenie King, for the first 200 customers.

One final thought about frogs and our local merchants. Twenty merchants in Three Rivers will participate in a “Find The Frog” promotion in their places of business during the month of April. Customers in each of the twenty stores can register for a gift from the merchants by finding a small cardboard frog hidden somewhere in each store.

With the arrival of spring comes the promise that there will be plenty of things to do here in Three Rivers. “Save the Frogs!” is just the first event to get involved with. There are plenty of activities all year long here in Three Rivers. All we need to do is seek them out and join in on the fun. We have Scidmore Park and the Petting Zoo, plus other parks and playgrounds that are here for you to enjoy.

Here’s my fashion statement for the year. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. In the Renaissance era, it was fashionable to shave them off.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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