Out and About – Week of March 4th

My wife has always done the grocery shopping for the two of us. Her father did the family grocery shopping when my wife was growing up. He had a method of shopping that worked very well, so my wife’s mother let him do his thing. My wife inherited his grocery shopping traits, such as always making sure you have a backup on your pantry shelf. If you use a can of tomato soup, put that on your grocery list. It worked back in the day and still works today in our household, except when I use the last of the peanut butter and fail to let her know.

As I have mentioned, my wife had surgery back in January, and as a result, I’ve been going with her when she shops for groceries. If you’ve never shopped as a couple, you have no idea what you are missing. Here’s just an example of what I’ve learned. My wife carries a clipboard with a list of the many items you might need. On this list is the aisle number where the item is located. We start at the rear of the store and work our way to the front. I am in charge of the cart, which I will continue to be until the first time I get too close and run into her ankles. I am the one who retrieves items from the top shelf, because I’m taller than she is, and usually the items up there can be heavy. Grape juice and a two-liter bottle of Pepsi are good examples.

I must explain that when we go grocery shopping, we are on a mission. We greet friends, but if I start a lengthy conversation, I’m reminded that the ice cream will melt if we don’t scurry along. It’s only after we get home that I discover that we never bought any ice cream. At the checkout line, I place the items on the conveyor, then stand by and place the full bags into the grocery cart. We then proceed to the car, I let my wife into the car, and then I load the groceries. I have experience loading the cargo pit of an airplane. I can surely place groceries in the car. At home, I carry the groceries inside, and my task is finished. My wife puts everything away. I used to help with that until the second time she had to remind me that a quart of milk will freeze if you put it in the freezer. Anyway, shopping for groceries together can be a lot of fun. I’ll probably never get to know what it’s like to go by myself.

Dining out is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy seafood, especially salmon. I enjoy the taste, plus I know that it’s good for me. If you are also a salmon lover, you’ll want to mark your kitchen calendar for Saturday, March 23. This is when Eagles Lodge 2303 will host an evening of dining and fun. On the menu are salmon patties, fried potatoes, plus a vegetable. All of this for $9. Dinner service begins at 5PM. While there, play DEAL/EAGLE/DEAL. The entry fee is only $5. In order to win, you must be there. The Eagle Lodge is located on East Hoffman Street, where Hoffman meets M-60, in Three Rivers. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

I’ve been told that spring is just around the corner. This means that Easter will soon be here. We are now observing Lent. In celebration of Lent, the First United Methodist Church of Three Rivers is hosting their annual Lenten Soup Suppers every Wednesday through March 26. The suppers are followed by a video series entitled “Wrestling With Angels”. Pastor Rob Nystrom will host the series. The soup suppers begin at 5:30PM, followed by the video series.

My buddy, Vic called me last week. He thought I’d like to know that a dime has 118 ridges around its edge and that our cat has 32 muscles in each ear. I sleep better knowing those things.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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