Out and About – Week of July 1st

Welcome to July. The day after tomorrow is the Fourth of July, which is a holiday. This means that there will not be any mail delivery, garbage pick-up, and the banks will be closed. So, if your garbage is picked up normally on Thursday, it will be Friday, and Friday’s garbage will be picked up on Saturday. Whew! I just made myself dizzy.

Three Rivers doesn’t have a parade celebrating the Fourth, but Constantine and Schoolcraft do. I recommend that you check this paper for the parade schedule and the schedule for fireworks, because Three Rivers doesn’t normally have a firework display. We plan to visit Schoolcraft for their annual Lions Club Pancake Breakfast, and to probably take in the Constantine parade. There’s so much going on in St. Joe County for the Fourth of July, so your best bet would be to check this paper or set your radio dial to WLKM-FM, 95.9.

I haven’t spoken to any farmers lately concerning our rainfall statistics, but I’m pretty sure that we are looking pretty good. I haven’t had to water our plants for over a week. My tomato plant has a few little tomatoes on it, and I can hardly wait to enjoy the produce. Because of the rain, our water bill might be more acceptable. I wonder how many people save the rainwater. My mom used to use rainwater for her steam iron. I’m sure there are plenty of younger citizens who might ask, “What’s an iron?”

Speaking of rain, I’ve noticed that when I’m driving in moderate to heavy rain, there are still drivers out there who don’t think they should have their headlights on. I’m pretty sure these drivers are the same ones who feel that they don’t need to signal when making a turn. I’m Out and About quite a bit, and I’ve learned to drive more defensively lately. Driving a vehicle requires your full attention, so if you need to use your cellphone, pull over and do what you have to do.

If you have stopped by Scidmore Park on a Saturday, and were looking for the Farmers’ Market, you probably wondered what had happened to it. The answer is that the Farmers’ Market is now open on Tuesday afternoons. I’m pretty sure the hours are from 2 PM to 6 PM. I’m not sure how they are doing as far as business is concerned, but I hope that it has been good. In my mind, the best produce comes from local farmers. The Farmers’ Market doesn’t include just food products; there is also an art exhibit on site, along with some arts and crafts. The West Michigan Avenue entrance to the park is the best way to be a part of this weekly event. There’s a little something for everyone, including a great playground for the kids, while parents can peruse the produce, check out the artwork, and visit with friends. Plenty of space is also available for a family picnic.

This past weekend, my three siblings and I gathered to celebrate my sister’s eightieth birthday. It’s about time, because her birthday was back in February. You’d think that, with the four of us being retired, we could have celebrated this momentous occasion on time. If I remember correctly, the weather was not conducive to my other sister driving down from Midland and meeting the rest of us in Ann Arbor. Besides, the “Birthday Girl” was visiting friends in California, and hitch hiking from here to San Francisco does require some extra time. Anyway, a great time was had by all. The conversations centered mainly on the good old times, prior to the invention of the cell phone and ATMs. Things seemed much slower back then.

A final wish for a happy Fourth of July. If you’re planning to be involved with fireworks, please do so safely. Too many have lost fingers, sight, and hearing by forgetting to include SAFETY in their activities. Also, please remember that he who comes forward with a fifth on the Fourth, may not come forth on the fifth. It’s pretty simple. If you drink, don’t drive, and if you drink, do so responsibly.

Happy Fourth of July, and I’ll see you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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